Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes

Text Quotes
What is called generosity is usually only the vanity of giving; we enjoy the vanity more than the thing given (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
What keeps us from abandoning ourselves entirely to one vice, often, is the fact that we have several (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
What we call generosity is for the most part only the vanity of giving; and we exercise it because we are more fond of that vanity than of the thing we give (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
When our vices leave us, we like to imagine it is we who are leaving them (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Why can we remember the tiniest detail that has happened to us, and not remember how many times we have told it to the same person (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Coquetry is the essential characteristic, and the prevalent humor of women; but they do not all practice it, because the coquetry of some is restrained by fear or by reason (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
A man convinced of his own merit will accept misfortune as an honor, for thus can he persuade others, as well as himself, that he is a worthy target for the arrows of fate (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
The violence we do to ourselves in order to remain faithful to the one we love is hardly better than an act of infidelity (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Whatever pretext we may give for our affections, often it is only interest and vanity which cause them (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Nothing ought more to humiliate men who have merited great praise than the care they still take to boast of little things (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Customary use of artifice is the sign of a small mind, and it almost always happens that he who uses it to cover one spot uncovers himself in another (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
We acknowledge our faults in order to repair by our sincerity the damage they have done us in the eyes of others (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Love of fame, fear of disgrace, schemes for advancement, desire to make life comfortable and pleasant, and the urge to humiliate others are often at the root of the valour men hold in such high esteem (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
There are no events so disastrous that adroit men do not draw some advantage from them, nor any so fortunate that the imprudent cannot turn to their own prejudice (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Folly pursues us at all periods of our lives. If someone seems wise it is only because his follies are proportionate to his age and fortune (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Fortunate persons hardly ever amend their ways: they always imagine that they are in the right when fortune upholds their bad conduct (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
We are better pleased to see those on whom we confer benefits than those from whom we receive them (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
To be a great man it is necessary to know how to profit by the whole of our good fortune (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
However great the advantages given us by nature, it is not she alone, but fortune with her, which makes heroes (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Humility is often only feigned submission which people use to render others submissive. It is a subterfuge of pride which lowers itself in order to rise (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Love, all agreeable as it is, charms more by the fashion in which it displays itself, than by its own true merit (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
The height of ability in the least able consists in knowing how to submit to the good leadership of others (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Smallness of mind is the cause of stubbornness, and we do not credit readily what is beyond our view (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
In great affairs we ought to apply ourselves less to creating chances than to profiting from those that offer (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
In the human heart there is a ceaseless birth of passions, so that the destruction of one is almost always the establishment of another (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
The duration of our passions is no more dependent on ourselves than the duration of our lives (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
We torment ourselves rather to make it appear that we are happy than to become so (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
It is difficult to like those whom we do not esteem; but it is no less so to like those whom we esteem more than ourselves (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
The extreme pleasure we take in speaking of ourselves should make us apprehensive that it gives hardly any to those who listen to us (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)
Tastes in young people are changed by natural impetuosity, and in the aged are preserved by habit (Francois De La Rochefoucau Quotes)