Frank Dane Quotes

Text Quotes
A liberal is a man who will give away everything he doesn’t own (Frank Dane Quotes)
Blessed is he who talks in circles, for he shall become a big wheel (Frank Dane Quotes)
Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything (Frank Dane Quotes)
Life is strange. Every so often a good man wins (Frank Dane Quotes)
Preachers denounce sin as if it was available to everyone (Frank Dane Quotes)
Some have greatness thrust upon them, but not lately (Frank Dane Quotes)
The way to a woman’s heart is through your wallet (Frank Dane Quotes)
Remember when $25,000 was a success? Now it is a garbage collector (Frank Dane Quotes)
Time is money, especially when you are talking to a lawyer or buying a commercial (Frank Dane Quotes)
Ignorance is never out of style. It was in fashion yesterday, it is the rage today and it will set the pace tomorrow (Frank Dane Quotes)
A conservative is a fellow who thinks a rich man should have a square deal (Frank Dane Quotes)
In polite society one laughs at all the jokes, including the ones one has heard before (Frank Dane Quotes)
It is not necessary to have enemies if you go out of your way to make friends hate you (Frank Dane Quotes)
Nothing annoys a woman more than to have company drop in unexpectedly and find the house looking as it usually does (Frank Dane Quotes)
A set of rules laid out by professionals to show the way they would like to act if it was profitable (Frank Dane Quotes)