Frankie Boyle Quotes

Text Quotes
Welcome to Glasgow - the city where we punch people who are on fire (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
Do you think George Bush actually knows who Gordon Brown is? He probably just thinks Tony Blair’s put on weight and had a mild stroke (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
For 3 million you could give everyone in Scotland a shovel, and we could dig a hole so deep we could hand her over to Satan in person (on Margaret Thatcher) (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
Barack Obama will appeal to both black and white voters in America. White voters who’ll think he’s Tiger Woods (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
A 66-YEAR-OLD woman has become the oldest new mum in Britain after giving birth to a baby boy. I’m amazed she needed to have a caesarean section though, you’d think at 66 she would have needed some masking tape down there just to stop it falling out. (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
The average life expectancy rate in some parts of Glasgow is 54. If you’ve ever been there, you’ll realize that that’s maybe a bit long. (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
I gave my girlfriend something she didn’t expect for Valentine’s day... Chlamydia. (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
In the event of a cabin failure, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling, and untangling them will annoy you before you die. (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
I think that should be the anti - speeding advert it should be footage of Richard Hammond trying to remember his own wedding day. (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
When I went to school, sex education was mainly muttered warnings about the janitor (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
Political correctness has changed everything. People forget that political correctness used to be called spastic gay talk. (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
Don’t you think its quite weird for Prince Harry, getting really stoned and seeing your grans face appearing on your money. (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
I want to trace my father, could you suggest a good marker pen? (Frankie Boyle Quotes)
I guess we were kinda poor when we were kids, but we didn’t know it. That’s because my dad always refused to let us look at the family’s financial records (Frankie Boyle Quotes)