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Frankly Quotes

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It is frankly a mistake of amateurs to believe you can gain the upper hand in a diplomatic negotiation.  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, I’m not religious, but I believe in the cause of humanity - doing good work  (Frankly Quotes) We all know who the real number one is. Quite frankly, I’m the best in the world.  (Frankly Quotes) I’ve never really been a big fan of comedy songs, frankly. I think I enjoy the emotional payoff that the best music achieves to want to waste too much time turning good music into a joke.  (Frankly Quotes) I suppose the best advice I ever got, frankly the advice that changed my life, came from my uncle who told me to go to drama school and study acting instead of taking a job, because he said the job would always be there.  (Frankly Quotes) The American people frankly have been, over many, many years - to be blunt - fat, dumb and happy. If they want their children to compete with children in India, China or Korea, they better get them a far better education.  (Frankly Quotes) Quite frankly, we wouldn’t have the problems that we have in America right now if somebody did a better job - if our politicians did a better job standing up for our country.  (Frankly Quotes) Kids do better, frankly [when the economy is strong]. Jobs make great years for kids.  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, I’d rather make a little bit less money if it means living in a better world for books and publishing in the future.  (Frankly Quotes) Quite frankly, I would prefer to have a non-Christian like Mitt Romney who at least pretends to embrace biblical principles over a professing Christian like Barack Obama who embraces very unbiblical positions on abortion.  (Frankly Quotes) I’m used to people not paying me a whole lot of attention and underestimating me and, frankly, for me a big challenge is to have people believe that I can be the president of the United States.  (Frankly Quotes) The problem is that at a lot of big companies, process becomes a substitute for thinking. You’re encouraged to behave like a little gear in a complex machine. Frankly, it allows you to keep people who aren’t that smart, who aren’t that creative.  (Frankly Quotes) I think that we have a responsibility to make certain that we are fiscally responsible in order to assure, frankly, future generations don’t have to pay our bills.  (Frankly Quotes) Quite frankly, I’ve always listened to the black side of the radio dial. Where I grew up, there was a lot of it and there was a lot of live music around.  (Frankly Quotes) I don’t want a lot of guys like me who played the game. Quite frankly, I want blank canvases; I want people to come in with new ideas. I don’t want the biases of their own experiences to be a part of their decision-making process.  (Frankly Quotes) I first read ‘The Lord of the Rings’ as an adolescent. It’s a dense novel, a sprawling, complex monster of a book populated with a prolific number of characters caught up in a narrative structure that, frankly, does not lend itself to conventional storytelling.  (Frankly Quotes) Books are the most mannerly of companions, accessible at all times, in all moods, frankly declaring the author’s mind, without offense.  (Frankly Quotes) The Government has to stop borrowing as much money; if we don’t, quite frankly New Zealand will be downgraded and interest rates will go up for all New Zealanders.  (Frankly Quotes) I’m at the point, frankly, where I’d rather deal with a misogynist with a copy of Tucker Max’s book in his backpack over someone in sensitive emo-boy clothing, because both are misogynists, only the one with the backpack is more honest about just how scared of women he is.  (Frankly Quotes) I can’t play anywhere near like I used to, and I was a hot drummer. It doesn’t bother me, because frankly, if you get to that point where you can’t hold a drumstick properly, there are many other things in life which are far more important, like cutting a loaf of bread or a piece of cheese.  (Frankly Quotes) People have said, ‘Let’s build bridges,’ and frankly, I want to do more than that. I would like break to the walls of ignorance between East and West.  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, I like new things. I feel like I made a contribution to building a more interactive world. And I’m proud of that.  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, I never had any intense desire to go to India. I know that sounds a bit strange, but it just never was someplace I had a burning desire to visit.  (Frankly Quotes) If you are realistic about how our present society works, the economic clout - and a lot of the political clout, frankly - is in the business sector. And it’s the locus of innovation.  (Frankly Quotes) The real problem at the moment is that the banks - because of their existing culture, which is frankly anti-business, obsession with short-term trading profits, not focusing on the long term - are throttling the recovery of British industry.  (Frankly Quotes) Parents of recovered children, and I’ve met hundreds, all share the same experience of doubters and deniers telling us our child must have never even had autism or that the recovery was simply nature’s course. We all know better, and frankly we’re too busy helping other parents to really care.  (Frankly Quotes) Quite frankly, I can’t get enough of soccer. I tell my jingoistic friends in the United States there’s a reason why it is the world’s No. 1 sport. The rest of the planet can’t be wrong.  (Frankly Quotes) The others don’t like my interviews. And frankly, I don’t care much for theirs.  (Frankly Quotes) ...frankly, many times, the people that we resent either have no idea about it or could care less.  (Frankly Quotes) The state, frankly, could care less. Historically, the state has been able to use any religious point of view for its own ends. . . . The examples of government misusing religion are endless.  (Frankly Quotes)
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