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Frankly Quotes

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We don’t live in the Garden. We live far from Eden. Every life is full of heartaches. Every life, frankly, is unspeakably sad.  (Frankly Quotes) I don’t give a damn what the fans think cause, quite frankly, I know what the fans want better than they do.  (Frankly Quotes) I, quite frankly, am grateful for every day. I don’t take anything for granted.  (Frankly Quotes) Quite frankly, I’m tired of taking insulin and pumping my stomach every three days and pricking my finger and drawing blood out of it every day - it’s a tedious, meticulous, annoying disease that never goes away. And I want to get rid of it like everybody else does.  (Frankly Quotes) Quite frankly, I didn’t become an actor to become a movie star. I have never dreamed about being the most famous person on the planet. I just want to do really good work.  (Frankly Quotes) For the Russians, frankly, it’s time that we punched the Russians in the nose. They’ve gotten away with too much in this world and we need to stand up against them, not just there, but also in Eastern Europe where they threaten some of our most precious allies.  (Frankly Quotes) If you eat like crap all the time, quite frankly, you’re going to feel like crap  (Frankly Quotes) There’s a lot of evidence that shows that if we push as hard as we need to for net-zero emissions, we’ll find ourselves with cities that are more secure, healthier, and have more economic opportunity - are frankly better cities to live in - than if we settle for the status quo.  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, I’d love to see a multiparty system, like we have in some of our European countries. But I’m not sure how to get there.  (Frankly Quotes) I’m not going to be the rock star of the far right and frankly on the rock star of the far left.  (Frankly Quotes) I feel very proud in what we’ve created in the ‘Spiderwick’ stories. And, frankly, I am glad we are ending the series on a high-note.  (Frankly Quotes) Writers do draw inspiration from their own lives, which, quite frankly, might be more interesting than fiction.  (Frankly Quotes) I grew up with the religion of ‘Star Wars,’ frankly. That’s when I realized there is something bigger out there... and it’s called The Force.  (Frankly Quotes) The fact is that our kids aren’t reading books - or frankly, much of anything lately. Schools are under funded, some schools even closing their libraries. Parents have to realize that it’s their job, and not the school’s job, to get kids into the habit of reading for fun.  (Frankly Quotes) I don’t think about the gender of my readers or about reader expectations. I’m frankly scared to. I figured out a long time ago that if I tried to guess the audience, it would be like me trying to guess which stocks to buy.  (Frankly Quotes) We’ve had parallel lives. And frankly, I prefer mine to his. I would not like to be George Bush.  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, neither president [Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter] was an inspiring figure; so, maybe their lack of inspiration by the founders shouldn’t surprise us.  (Frankly Quotes) One nuclear war is going to be the last nuclear - the last war, frankly, if it really gets out of hand. And I just don’t think we ought to be prepared to accept that sort of thing.  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, I’m tired of the powerful getting away with all kinds of stuff. Hillary [Clinton] didn’t win - and, folks, there are ways without an actual prosecution.  (Frankly Quotes) I’m always thinking as an outsider, and I’m always mindful of whether a company can be impactful on a global basis. Frankly, I’m paranoid about anyone anywhere who could be a competitive threat.  (Frankly Quotes) I don’t believe in a golden mean; I don’t believe you find policy wisdom between two polar points. I don’t dismiss that possibility, but I look at the platform that’s so ideologically based, that’s so dismissive of facts, of evidence, of science, and it’s frankly hard to take seriously.  (Frankly Quotes) I would be lying if I said I’m not flattered being voted as the ‘Time’s’ Most Desirable Man of 2012. Frankly, I have no idea how the desirability quotient is arrived at. If it is just drop dead good looks, then I have to thank God and my parents for it.  (Frankly Quotes) And I maintain good relationships with all the studios so I’ve never been bullied into any cut, frankly.  (Frankly Quotes) We’re adults. We’re the ones who should teach the kids what’s good to eat. I don’t think the government should ever regulate what we eat at home, but we’re feeding them in school with tax dollars. Quite frankly, if my tax dollars are being spent to feed kids, I’d rather feed them better food.  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, most governments are used to lying to each other - to a degree that most people would find shocking. Part of diplomacy is the art of strategic lying.  (Frankly Quotes) The idea that we are not going to look after the Great Barrier Reef, which is just a wonderful tourism resource that it can be just for one example - we are not going to look after it, we won’t have tight environment regulation, is frankly just not true.  (Frankly Quotes) I built a great company, one of the - some of the most iconic assets in the world, $10 billion of net worth, more than $10 billion of net worth, and frankly, I had a great time doing it.  (Frankly Quotes) I think I have great knowledge of foreign policy, frankly. And despite what some people said, I was always against the war in Iraq, and a lot of people weren’t.  (Frankly Quotes) It’s nice to say or it’s great to ask, are we limiting opportunities for women? But do we even have each other’s support, frankly, on our way there?  (Frankly Quotes) One of the greatest things that Apple and Jobs were very good at doing was daring to do the very different thing. It’s what I did with my cookbook, frankly.  (Frankly Quotes)
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