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Frankly Quotes

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When I have an argument with someone, even with someone I am not very close with, I can’t sleep at night thinking about it. It’s terrible. But I still manage speak out frankly because I have also been gifted with the ability to read people. I can sense when they start to get irritated with me, and then, I shift  (Frankly Quotes) The only reason to be in politics is public service. There’s no other reason. Frankly, if that’s the best job you can get in terms of money, that’s too bad, you know. Because frankly, it’s not well paid, everyone knows that. So for most people it’s a big sacrifice  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, I’d rather make a little bit less money if it means living in a better world for books and publishing in the future  (Frankly Quotes) We dance even if there’s no radio. we drink at funerals. we talk too much and laugh too loud and live too large, and, frankly, we’re suspicious of others who don’t  (Frankly Quotes) I always expect people to behave much better than I do. When they actually behave worse, I am frankly incredulous  (Frankly Quotes) They say that in the hour before an earthquake the clouds hang leaden in the sky, the winds slows to a hot breath, and the birds fall quiet in the trees of the town square. Yes but these are the same portents that precede lunchtime, frankly  (Frankly Quotes) It’s important not to overstate the benefits of ideas. Quite frankly, I know it’s kind of a romantic notion that you’re just going to have this one brilliant idea and then everything is going to be great. But the fact is that coming up with an idea is the least important part of creating something great. It has to be the right idea and have good taste, but the execution and delivery are what’s key  (Frankly Quotes) There’s an awful lot of misunderstanding here about what being poor actually means. I don’t think people understand that being poor means you have to work from dawn until dusk just to survive through the day. I think there’s some notion that poor people lie about all day not doing anything. It is remarkable how many misconceptions there are here about life in the developing world and I think that that knowledge gap has done a lot to contribute to the imbalance quite frankly  (Frankly Quotes) I am in love, and he’s the one. Obviously I thought the one before him was the one and the one before that was the one, too. Frankly, I’m so much into the idea of being in love that anyone out of about 3 million could be the one. But no, this one now is definitely the one, the very one  (Frankly Quotes) I am far from sure when I am acting and when I am not or, should I more frankly put it, when I am lying and when I am not. For what is acting but lying and what is good acting but convincing lying?  (Frankly Quotes) You may object that by speaking of simplicity and beauty I am introducing aesthetic criteria of truth, and I frankly admit that I am strongly attracted by the simplicity and beauty of mathematical schemes which nature presents us. You must have felt this too: the almost frightening simplicity and wholeness of the relationship, which nature suddenly spreads out before us  (Frankly Quotes) I’m not happy, frankly. Because I think in a civil society we don’t need firearms  (Frankly Quotes) A social entrepreneur is somebody who knows how to make an idea reality, and one of the great ideas of our time is pluralism. Can people from different backgrounds live together in mutual peace and loyalty? And what we need is a generation of young social entrepreneurs who know how to make that great idea reality in an historical moment where religious extremists are, frankly, making their idea reality  (Frankly Quotes) Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly... As a scientist I remain skeptical  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, there isn’t anyone you couldn’t learn to love once you’ve heard their story  (Frankly Quotes) Certainly teachers themselves can do a better job of letting the world know how hard their profession is, but frankly, they have real work to do and a lot of it, so they don’t have a whole lot of free time on their hands  (Frankly Quotes) I myself don’t know what makes my books work. I enter a bookstore and I’m frankly overwhelmed by the number of books in most of them, and I know people are buying mine  (Frankly Quotes) Particularly marijuana, I think is a great hypocrisy. I think frankly it contributes to a good deal of the sense of unfairness you have among younger people who are told they shouldn’t do this because it’s got all these negative effects, but then older people are engaging in all kinds of things that probably have a greater impact on people  (Frankly Quotes) I wish you wouldn’t make the strings such an important part of your arrangements because frankly they’re only a tax dodge!  (Frankly Quotes) I frankly don’t make much of a living, but I make a hell of a life  (Frankly Quotes) Depressive lucidity, usually described as a radical withdrawal from ordinary human concerns, generally manifests itself by a profound indifference to things which are genuinely of minor interest. Thus it is possible to imagine a depressed lover, while the idea of a depressed patriot seems frankly inconceivable  (Frankly Quotes) In life, the only thing of importance is a radical, total, and definitive change. The rest, frankly, is of no importance at all  (Frankly Quotes) Frankly, I had enjoyed the war… and why do people want peace if the war is so much fun?  (Frankly Quotes) Previous to this time I had never even a balloon except from a distance. Being interested in their construction, I was about to institute a thorough examination of all its parts, when the aeronaut announced that all was ready. He inquired whether I desired to go up alone, or he should accompany me. My desire, if frankly expressed, would have been not to go up at all; but if I was to go, company was certainly desirable. With an attempt at indifference, I intimated that he might go along  (Frankly Quotes) Most artists look for something fresh to paint; frankly I find that quite boring. For me it is much more exciting to find fresh meaning in something familiar  (Frankly Quotes) Concussions is one of these pack journalism issues, frankly. There’s no increase in concussions. The number is relatively small. The problem is, it is a journalist issue  (Frankly Quotes) The thing is with me I look on the brighter side of everything.There’s no point being pessimistic or being worried about too many things because frankly life’s too short  (Frankly Quotes) We resort, frankly, to pies, which is a comedy staple that’s gone back, I guess, to since the first pie was ever baked  (Frankly Quotes) I don’t give a damn what the fans think cause, quite frankly, I know what the fans want better than they do  (Frankly Quotes) Quite frankly, I am not very comfortable in chitchat. When I go to board meetings, I arrive two minutes before and leave when it’s over. I don’t stay for lunch or go early and have coffee  (Frankly Quotes)
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