Franz Grillparzer Quotes

Text Quotes
The manifestation of poetry in external life is formal perfection. True sentiment grows within, and art must represent internal phenomena externally (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
To enlist the support of the people and of parliament, you only have to propose a profitable villainy (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
It’s the misfortune of German authors that not a single one of them dares to expose his true character. Everyone thinks that he has to be better than he is (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Recently, the Germans have developed a tendency to prefer the so-called first (youthful) style of great artists to their mature works. Could it be that they do not realize that their aesthetic criteria, generally speaking, are juvenile? (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
The Germans believe that, no matter where, they can get by on knowledge alone. Art, however, requires skill (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Never expect any recognition here--the system prohibits it. The cross is not affixed to the genius, no, the genius is affixed to the cross (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
In the long run, only woman remains true to mankind’s foremost mission. Whatever she achieves, she achieves through herself, and alone. Man’s master is the--public (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Strength, strength alone, is honorable, the German nation clamors in its majesty. But since it is hard to muster strength so suddenly, they have to make do with boorishness (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
It is open to question whether the highly individualized characters we find in Shakespeare are perhaps not detrimental to the dramatic effect. The human being disappears to the same degree as the individual emerges (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
A book is quite a beautiful thing, even more so learning. Together, however, all they amount to is called book-learning (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Our poetry emulates the recent progress in military strategy: Our army’s strength is the foot soldiers. (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
How can you say that love is blind? Keener than a young eagle’s is its sight. (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Before passing different laws for different people, I’d relinquish myself unto you as your slave. (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Do not push so fast ahead, do slow down a bit! Otherwise you won’t catch up with yourselves. (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
How great seems human progress when we consider where it began, and how insignificant, when we contemplate the goals for which itstrives. (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Genius unrefined resembles a flash of lightning, but wisdom is like the sun (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Progress will always have as its recourse to exaggerate what it cannot surpass (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
The cradle of the future is the grave of the past (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
The present is never poetic as it serves necessity, necessity, however, is prosaic (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
The state has no religion for the simple reason that it has each and everyone (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Swear words and profanities are mere abbreviations of speech, similar to the abbreviations in writing (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Do hurry and proclaim the concordat. Then castrate yourselves to keep from sinning (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Those whom the gods chose as their property must not consort with mortals (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Love wants to be confirmed with concrete symbols, but recklessness loves instability (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Today is, after all, today, but yesterday is of the same substance as tomorrow (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
The graceful flowers of innocence are more valuable than the laurel crown of fame (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Metaphysics must be based on what exists, for it has the task of explicating it (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
The most irascible person is most likely to become apathetic in dangerous situations (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Why do villains have so much influence? Because the honest people are terribly dense (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)
Disregard for the consequences and for right and wrong nowadays passes as energy (Franz Grillparzer Quotes)