Frederick Douglass Quotes

Text Quotes
We are one, our cause is one, and we must help each other; if we are to succeed (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
It is the mission of the printer to diffuse light and knowledge by a judicious intermingling of black with white (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
As those who believe in the visibility of ghosts can easily see them, so it is always easy to see repulsive qualities in those we despise and hate (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
A little learning, indeed, may be a dangerous thing, but the want of learning is a calamity to any people (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
A man’s character always takes its hue, more or less, from the form and color of things about him (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
Fugitive slaves were rare then, and as a fugitive slave lecturer, I had the advantage of being the first one out (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
I could, as a free man, look across the bay toward the Eastern Shore where I was born a slave (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
I didn’t know I was a slave until I found out I couldn’t do the things I wanted (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
I recognize the Republican party as the sheet anchor of the colored man’s political hopes and the ark of his safety (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
Man’s greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and the future (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
When men sow the wind it is rational to expect that they will reap the whirlwind (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
Every tone was a testimony against slavery, and a prayer to God for deliverance from chains (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
To make a contented slave it is necessary to make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken the moral and mental vision and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
Let us render the tyrant no aid; let us not hold the light by which he can trace the footprints of our flying brother (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
The man who is right is a majority. He who has God and conscience on his side, has a majority against the universe (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
Experience proves that those are oftenest abused who can be abused with the greatest impunity. Men are whipped oftenest who are whipped easiest (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
A man without force, is without the essential dignity of humanity. Human nature is so constituted, that it cannot honor a helpless man, although it can pity him (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
When a great truth once gets abroad in the world, no power on earth can imprison it, or prescribe its limits, or suppress it. It is bound to go on till it becomes the thought of the world (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
Our community belongs to us and whether it is mean or majestic, whether arrayed in glory or covered in shame, we cannot but share its character and destiny (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
Though conscious of the difficulty of learning without a teacher, I set out with high hope, and a fixed purpose, at whatever cost of trouble, to learn how to read (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
Immense wealth, and its lavish expenditure, fill the great house with all that can please the eye, or tempt the taste. Here, appetite, not food, is the great desideratum (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
In a composite nation like ours, as before the law, there should be no rich, no poor, no high, no low, no white, no black, but common country, common citizenship, equal rights and a common destiny (Frederick Douglass Quotes)
Slaves sing most when they are most unhappy. The songs of the slave represent the sorrows of his heart; and he is relieved by them, only as an aching heart is relieved by its tears (Frederick Douglass Quotes)