Frederick Lenz Quotes

Text Quotes
A strong onslaught of the nagual would upset your balance completely (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Go through every closet in your house in every room (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The kundalini is so strong you must have a strong phsyical body (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Nirvana is the pure and perfect schness of thatness of being (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Nirvana has nothing do with any of this. None of this is there (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Buddhism is the study of how to be immeasurably happy (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Buddhism doesn’t come from anybody. It exists by itself (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The only bad meditation is when you don’t meditate (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
To meditate with full effort, produces infinity, freedom (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The essence of Taoism is really expressed by these few words. Taoism is the way of the child, the way of the fool, the way of someone who doesn’t need to be noticed (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Taoism is the way of water. The most frequent element or symbol refered to in Lao Tzu’s wrtings is the symbol of water (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The Grand Canyon is living evidence of the power of water over a period of time. The power may not manifest immediately. Water can be very powerful, like a tidal wave (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Lao Tsu uses the anology of the tree. The old hard tree breaks and falls when the wind blows. The young tree bends and does not break. He advises us to bend and not to break (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Lao Tsu always points a finger directly to us. He says we must begin with ourselves. It’s impossible to bring order into the world unless we bring order into ourselves (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
If you are interested in Taoism, I would suggest that you read the Way of Life by Lao Tsu, the founder of Taoism. I personally prefer the Witter Brynner translation (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Lao Tsu doesn’t seem to hold to much stock for words or phrases or teachings (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Many sections are taken up with political discussions and how the way of the ruler, the merchant, the householder, and the army interact with the Tao (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Taoism is not a religion, although perhaps it has been made into one by some people. Lao Tsu’s way of life occurs in any spiritual philosophy (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
In the West the wise are usually thought of as leaders. In the East, the wise are very often though of as followers (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Some people think Taoism means not doing anything, just going on with your life. That has little or nothing to do with Taoism (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
What we’re seeking to do is become transparent. A transparent window on reality. But that takes time to do. We’re starting with a very solid, objectified view of ourselves and existence (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Be in harmony with the Tao, with the basic principles of creation. To not be in harmony with that flow, no matter how hard you meditate, you will not be happy and you won’t be liberated (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The world of enlightenment doesn’t know of its own existence. We’re beyond both the knower and known. There’s no conceptual identity whatsoever (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Everything that we do involves energy, personal power. The more energy we have, the more we can accomplish (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Power is the band that we perceive things on. In radio we have stations. Frequencies vibrate at certain rates and within those frequencies we transmit information and receive information (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Overcoming fear is a critical factor for anyone who wishes to be really happy, or anyone who wishes to become enlightened (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The pathway to enlightenment is beautiful. There are a lot of wonderful things that happen along the way. Win or lose, you just keep going, and it happens eventually (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It is very hard to perceive the future on a regular basis simply because the future changes (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
There is a dharma for yourself, for someone else, for a family, for a nation, for a universe. There are collective and individual dharmas (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Our awareness creates life. Life does not exist independently of perception (Frederick Lenz Quotes)