Frederick Lenz Quotes

Text Quotes
Take a yoga class, study different forms of self-discovery. Some people are crazy and fanatical, avoid them. People who are balanced and calm and introspective, associating with them will raise your energy level (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
You are complete. Completion has taken place in you eons ago. Accept yourself. Enjoy yourself. This time will never be again, so fulfill the moment with your own self-joy (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It is is easy to smile. It is an act of self-giving. When you smile you are at your best and you give that best to others (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Happiness is self-generated as the mind becomes still. As we become involved with the desires of the world, we lose that centering, that stillness (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Happiness only comes when you let go of who you think you are. If you think you’re wealthy and powerful and noble and truthful or horrible and demonic, whatever it may be, it’s all a waste of time. Take it from the Zen Master. He knows (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
How could sexuality be anything but God? It’s the creation of life. Life is experiencing itself in endless forms (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The gopis seek Krishna, another part of themselves that create ecstasy. The man seeks the woman, the woman seeks the man. The Tantric Buddhist seeks annihilation of the ego (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The problem with love is attachment; love makes you dependent. Unattached love - you love for the hell of it (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Practice love in your relationships. The key to this is avoiding expectation. It’s expectation that makes most people miserable in love - the return on the investment (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Human beings are confused, deluded and generally un-awakened. So as a person who seeks to increase their energy, you have to be very careful about who you have intimate contact with (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
You and I might define a ‘soul mate’ differently. For most people, a soul mate has some kind of sexual connotation (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
A soul mate is not necessarily someone with whom you set up housekeeping. Your soul and their soul have a multi-incarnation attraction (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Sports and athletics can be a path in Zen, in concordance with daily practice of zazen meditation. You need to move with your spirit, not just with your body (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Teamwork - everything is one. You can connect with the emptiness of all things. All things are empty (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The emptiness of play is when there is no self present. There is no one playing - there is only play itself taking place, perfect fluid motion (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The Frisbee is a round disk. That’s the somethingness. But it has another side; it has a nothingness which you cannot perceive with your physical mind or your senses (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Your ego interferes, your sense of self. When you let go of the mind, the Frisbee will take its own path (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Most martial arts have to do with the mind, ultimately. The ability to be unafraid, to walk away from a fight without fear - that is control (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The best martial artist doesn’t win fights, but avoids fights. Martial arts is a way of gaining basic self-mastery of your mind, body and emotions. It can also be very useful in combat situations (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Several very good friends of mine have died of AIDS. I spent a great deal of time with them when they went through that process (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
OK, you’re alive. How aware are you, of anything? Can you see eternity? Do you live in the land of the perpetually happy? (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Your existence is passing before you. Grains of sand in the hourglass. The Wicked Witch of the West has you in her castle and she’s turned the hourglass over and the sand is running through. Will you be liberated or will you die? The only way you can beat death is liberation (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Once you are enlightened, you can do whatever you want without fear or sorrow. You can go snowboarding, get married, stay single, be rich and famous, or live unknown in a high Himalayan cave. It is up to you (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
There is an all powerful force or energy that creates all and draws all back into it. This is God. It is beyond intelligence, beyond analysis (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
There are different pathways - be it Zen, tantra, karma yoga, or jnana yoga. Different ways have been devised to do the same thing for different types of people according to their temperament (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Redefine you. Oh God, life is so beautiful. Don’t let it pass you by. Don’t miss it. Don’t miss it (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Self-acceptance is involved in this process. You have got to be able to look at both your dark and your light side and not get enamored or depressed by either (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The average person just sees through their senses. The world is filled with wonderful mysteries and beauty. You need personal power to open up all of that, without it - these are just words (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It is the quick path. We turn everything inside out and upside down - which is when it gets straightened out very neatly and in an orderly fashion (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Life is wonder, endless, ceaseless wonder. If your energy level is low, then everything is gray, two-dimensional, boring, frustrating, and unhappy (Frederick Lenz Quotes)