Frederick Lenz Quotes

Text Quotes
Some people say that if you have sex you can’t be enlightened. I think it isn’t really so much whether you have sex or not, but it’s what you’re doing with your attention level during that time (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Even a good self will create another good self in the next life, and another one, and that good self will never be enlightened. You’ll be bound, life after life, by good karma (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
You get to the point where you have to wash the dishes. That’s the fun in life. Being behind the scenes and doing things for others; being an instrument of that cause. That is the secret teaching (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Inspire people very selectively with sincerity and with respect. You want to increase your energy? Then want, inside your heart, to inspire others. It will lift you tremendously (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Buddha indicated that the self, that part of you that incarnates from lifetime to lifetime was causal (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
There are the samskaras, the tendencies from your other lifetimes, ways of seeing, habits that are so strong, they affect you now. They are the operative situations in your life that are created by karma (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The samskaras that were developed in previous incarnations are usually hidden by the temporary amnesia of infancy and by the transient personality (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
As we grow older and mature in each incarnation, we are drawn back to samskaras, to previous interests and pursuits (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Spiritual evolution is a movement from the states of mind that reflect life less accurately to the states of mind that reflect life more accurately (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
You identify with your self. You have a personal history. You have commitments. There are things that you want to experience and other things that you want to avoid (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The ideas that we have about self are an aggregate within a state of mind, and they chain us to a state of mind (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
All souls do not reach enlightenment. Some souls reach a certain point and stay there. Some souls actually decline and go into different cycles (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
You reincarnate forever because you exist forever. You can’t die. You can’t be born, your essence that is. You are on a big wheel (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Every moment gives birth to the next moment and influences it. Getting out of that chain of perpetual being is getting off the wheel of birth and death. That is enlightenment (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It is through many lifetimes of shifting the aggregate of the self that one finally reaches a point of maximum velocity whereby one can snap off the circle completely and move into freedom (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Words like meditation, karma, samskaras, they’re just words. You can get into the jargon, you can speak it, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be any freer (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The three principal samskaras have to do with sex, money and power. In all those countless incarnations that one goes through in the religious practice, the avoidance is tremendous. We brand those things as evil (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The process of eliminating the samskaras and reaching complete enlightenment is very technical, wonderful, and mystical process (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It is possible to renounce everything and attain enlightenment. But most people don’t want to renounce; they wish to run away from responsibility and hard work (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Everyone in advanced meditation practice should be involved with the economic support of the spread of the dharma. We live in a material world, and it’s very expensive to teach meditation (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The advanced student of meditation takes an active part in supporting the work of their teacher. They happily work more hours or do whatever is necessary to help out more (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The idea of the walls of monastery was to keep everybody else out because you wanted to develop a certain type of life. Most people in the world had different ideas on the subject (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The ashram is where everyone lives in the same building or on the same grounds. You feel that it’s selfish for you to devote your life to one person. You don’t just love the one, you love the many also (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
You might say living in a monastery cuts down the commutation time. That alone gives you a couple extra hours a day to meditate. In a monastery you lead a relatively simply life. You don’t need a lot of possessions (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The problem with monasteries, ashrams, convents is these institutions become extremely political. In other words, they’re really small societies, and much of what you hope to avoid in societies you find there (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Ashrams often become places where there is a hierarchy and a pecking order and not much enlightenment. That is what some people are drawn to. But that has nothing to do with enlightenment (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It is better when you are in the world. You know how much pain there is. You can tell how established you are in the light. To remove yourself from the things you desire or things you find difficult to deal with is no answer (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Go out into the world, do your best all day, try to think higher thoughts, try to be kind and compassionate, but don’t let people take advantage of you (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It is necessary to be occupied almost all the time, to have your mind focused; otherwise, you get very spaced out. There are many variant psychic forces and powers that roam through the worlds. You can pick them up (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Material success is not something that will bind you, unless you become attached to it, any more than poverty will liberate you (Frederick Lenz Quotes)