Frederick Lenz Quotes

Text Quotes
Powerful people affect many others and if I can in some way contribute to their awareness, they will put out better energy to millions and millions of people (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I’m only here for a while, so I’d like to do what I can (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I have had several offers to make the book into a film. I don’t know if the message could be accurately transmitted, and so I have been somewhat hesitant in granting film rights (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I develop artificially intelligent technologies, along with educational and game software and let the business people take it where they will (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I am involved in the creation of software, and I’m also in the music business (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Whenever I work with anyone, it is an opportunity for them to become more professional and do something for someone else (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
My feeling is that drugs and alcohol take away from the pure experience of meditation. That does not mean that occasionally, a person couldn’t have a glass of wine or a drink (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I personally, only work with people in my business who show excellence. I have a business, the business of enlightenment (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I only work with professionals. I don’t mean at seminars, but in my business (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I don’t think people should be primarily concerned with money or material success. They should be concerned with doing that which is right and being in harmony with the way of life (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It is my experience that if a person practices self discovery with intent, they will be successful. Success is an outer sign that they are channeling energy correctly (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
If you think it makes a difference if I have ten thousand sports cars, ten million girlfriends and lead a very flashy life... I don’t think you should work with any teacher because you don’t know what it is all about yet (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
My happiness comes from doing all I can for my students. To help them, what else could there be? (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I think the most miraculous thing is learning. I get out of the way and let the students learn. Then you get to watch this amazing thing happen (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
While I am here I would like to experience as many of the beauties of the world as possible and help others to do the same (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I just felt that it was my responsibility, since so many people had taken the time to help me along, to do the same for others (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I teach meditation and the pathway to enlightenment because I know that there are other people who, like I did a long time ago and continue to, want to climb that mountain to the highest light (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I know a lot of ways to happiness! I also know some pretty fast shortcuts to misery (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I am very interested in the enlightenment of women. Very few teachers of advanced self discovery work with women, and if they do it’s usually in a very second handed way. They treat women as second class citizens (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The way advanced meditation is taught, the way I teach it, the way all enlightened people teach it, is through transference. We transfer light and power to someone else (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Transmission does not have to take place physically. The student doesn’t have to be sitting across from you. But it’s easier if they are because the vibration of the teacher is strongest in the physical proximity of the teacher (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I was a traditional teacher for a time, but my students would ride the energy. I wanted to free people not give them a placebo (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Sometimes their immediate reaction is to want to run away because they realize inwardly that the transpositions their life will go through will be remarkable, change everything (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It is the teacher’s job to point out mistakes so that an individual doesn’t continue to hurt themselves or others (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Often, in the student’s confusion, she or he directs anger at the teacher, blaming them for the pain they are experiencing, or for their own mistakes (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
As an incarnation of love you put up with flack until it becomes detrimental to a person (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Some come to a teacher for power. They still have all the desires, angers and jealousies of an unevolved person. Consequently, they become destructive both to themselves and to others (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
To simply see a teacher to gain power is a mistake. You’ll gain the power, but with the current mindset that you have you’ll probably create more unhappiness for yourself than happiness (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
There is a time you can’t turn it back. When a person is very destructive, when they hate you tremendously, you have to disassociate with them (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Many spiritual teachers have done this. They have disbanded their whole community because everyone got angry. The karma, at a certain point, has to go back to the person; it’s intensified and hurts them spiritually (Frederick Lenz Quotes)