Frederick Lenz Quotes

Text Quotes
We see an enlightened teacher to gain a sense of humor, to learn balance and proportion and of course to learn wisdom (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I consider those persons to be my students who come and meditate with me on a regular basis, who, in spite of the hardships and difficulties on the path of knowledge, still continue to try, and who respect me as I respect them (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I have graduate students who have developed this ability to love and want to perfect it. Those are the students I spend a lot of time with because at this time they need that (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Then there are most of my students who don’t know a whole lot about love. You don’t know what fun love is. I will remain inaccessible to you until you learn how to love (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I love people who make mistakes. That’s why I’m in the teaching business. I love people who make mistakes because I enjoy watching them learn and helping them, assisting them. I find it a beautiful process (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I’d love to find some people to teach advanced meditation to. I’ve been looking for many years. There are a few around. Once in a while I run into another one. It’s a very limited league at this time, in this world (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
People love misery, they love to feel sorry for themselves, and they definitely don’t want to be enlightened. That’s the first thing they tell you at boot camp in the higher worlds (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
The next best thing is to work with those who are not quite there yet to bring them up to that level (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
If you want to be liberated, if you choose to be what I am, then you’ve chosen freedom. You can do this (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
That’s my sole purpose in life is to sit here today and tell you that you can do this, in any life. You can do this in one of your past lives, in a future life, or right now. I prefer now (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I select people to work more closely when they are prepared to and I see that. They don’t have to tell me. I know. I will give them a task of some type, and that task becomes the koan between us (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
A teacher had two types of students. One type of student is a close student. The other is also a close student, but not in the sense of physical proximity. The close students rotate a lot (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
When I sit with my students and meditate with them, I channel the kundalini directly into them. I bring them to plane after plane of consciousness. What they would do in 100 years of meditation, I can do in an hour with them (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
When I enter into nirvikalpa samadhi, most can see this light, or feel it. This light creates very powerful, steady spiritual transformation. The reason you are here is to sit in this light (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
You can increase your capacity to absorb the mystical kundalini. I have 3 or 4 students who are on the path of mysticism, they can absorb more of it (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
When I meditate, people see manifestations of light when I go into samadhi and through the samadhis. Sometimes the energy of enlightenment is so clear that people don’t realize that their attention has been elevated (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It is important to have intensive blocks of time together. During our nights together there is a tremendous interchange of knowledge, power and awareness (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
As far as miracles are concerned, I’m not aware that I perform miracles. After many years and lifetimes of meditation, I am able to use the kundalini energy to alter other people’s awareness and aid them in their search for light and certainty (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Every day I get letters from people thanking me for helping them to become successful, whether because of their personal growth or because of economic rewards. A few of my former students have even become millionaires (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
How do you become enlightened? I don’t know: Luck, karma, skill, friends in high places, friends in low places (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
It really doesn’t matter to me whether a person has a lot of money or a little bit of money (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I don’t engage in brainwashing, I don’t dictate forms of lifestyle, I don’t perform mass marriages or even singular marriages. I don’t tell people what to believe (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I don’t dictate particular styles of dress. I do teach classes in self discovery (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
We have a spiritual community but everyone lives where they want to. I recommend certain areas to live because of their power (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
People get together and go to the movies or on hikes, but everyone maintains their own independent domicile (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Some people harbor the idea or belief that all teachers should teach for free. Obviously these people have never been teachers, particularly in the twentieth century. Teaching meditation is a very expensive hobby (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I show people the techniques for gaining knowledge, and this inspires them in their search for truth, freedom and happiness. I also try to show people that truth exists as much in this world as it does in any other world (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
There is no best teacher. Life itself is the teacher. There is no best method. All that matters is that it works (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
Many people who help me encounter a lot of resistance from other people and from forces (Frederick Lenz Quotes)
I don’t think there is anyone in public life today who can escape the inevitable onslaught of the media. It seeks to pry into and often grossly distort aspects of one’s personal and professional life. I guess it just comes with the territory (Frederick Lenz Quotes)