Free Economy Quotes
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After order and liberty, economy is one of the highest essentials of a free government (Free Economy Quotes)
The public trust is at the core of both a free market economy and a democracy (Free Economy Quotes)
This opportunity - to make it to the middle class or beyond no matter where you start out in life - it isn’t bestowed on us from Washington. It comes from a vibrant free economy where people can risk their own money to open a business (Free Economy Quotes)
I am opposed to all forms of control. I am for an absolute, laissez-faire, free, unregulated economy (Free Economy Quotes)
For the majority of Americans, collectivist or nationalized economy is morally wrong and therefore unjust. For them, free enterprise meets their keen sense of justice (Free Economy Quotes)
How fortunate we are to exist in the moneyless economy of poetry! When you take money out of the equation, anything goes and nobody cares. It’s truly free. (Free Economy Quotes)
The economy is governed through cartel agreements and monopoly. The attorney general is the one who’s controlling funds. There is no free business in Georgia. (Free Economy Quotes)
Other things, like capitalism, free enterprise, the economy, currency, the market, are not forces of nature, we invented them. They are not immutable and we can change them. (Free Economy Quotes)
President Obama insists he’s a free-market guy. But you have to wonder whether he understands how a free economy really works. (Free Economy Quotes)
Presidents in both parties - from John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan - have known that our free-enterprise economy is the source of our middle-class prosperity (Free Economy Quotes)
The trouble with a free market economy is that it requires so many policemen to make it work (Free Economy Quotes)
I do think creating an open free-trade economy but with strong social support is the way to go (Free Economy Quotes)
There’s an inverse relationship between the size and scope of government and the health of our free-market economy. (Free Economy Quotes)
Servile labour disappeared because it could not stand the competition of free labour; its un-profitability sealed its doom in the market economy. (Free Economy Quotes)
A free and open Internet should not have to be weighed down by legal challenges - its dynamism is essential to our economy. (Free Economy Quotes)
Free trade, far from protectionism, is the path that we should take to make Latin America a thriving actor in the global economy. (Free Economy Quotes)
Free trade has been one of the tenets of the modern Mexican economy, and it’s through competition and free trade that we will continue to advance. (Free Economy Quotes)
We know that in our free market economy some will prosper more than others. What we don’t accept is the idea that some folks won’t even get a chance. (Free Economy Quotes)
The free economy is not the enemy but the friend of social capital (Free Economy Quotes)
The right to suffer is one of the joys of a free economy (Free Economy Quotes)
Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire (Free Economy Quotes)
Depressions and mass unemployment are not caused by the free market but by government interference in the economy (Free Economy Quotes)
True prosperity can only come from a healthy economy and sound money. That can only be achieved in a free society (Free Economy Quotes)
Political activity alone cannot make a man free. Back of the ballot, he must have property, industry, skill, economy, intelligence, and character (Free Economy Quotes)
The economy is not an abstraction. The economy consists of people, and it will only grow if people feel secure and are reasonably free (Free Economy Quotes)
I believe that there are barriers, educational barriers, cultural barriers, societal barriers, that are keeping people from accessing the promise of a vibrant free enterprise economy (Free Economy Quotes)
A global economy is characterized not only by the free movement of goods and services but, more important, by the free movement of ideas and of capital (Free Economy Quotes)
The free market economy is supposed to be the only path leading to the happiness of humanity by promoting wealth and prosperity, power and influence of nations (Free Economy Quotes)
President Obama insists hes a free-market guy. But you have to wonder whether he understands how a free economy really works (Free Economy Quotes)
Indeed, a major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it... gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself (Free Economy Quotes)
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