Free Man Quotes

Text Quotes
Who then is free? the wise man who can command himself (Free Man Quotes)
A man has free choice to the extent that he is rational (Free Man Quotes)
Intellect annuls fate. So far as a man thinks he is free (Free Man Quotes)
Was ever any wicked man free from the stings of a guilty conscience? (Free Man Quotes)
It will free man from the remaining chains, the chains of gravity which still tie him to this planet (Free Man Quotes)
In 1916 I was discharged from military service, or rather, given a sort of leave of absence on the understanding that I might be recalled within a few months. And so I was a free man, at least for a while (Free Man Quotes)
The free man is not he who defies the rules... but he who, recognizing the compulsions inherent in his being, seeks rather to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest each day’s experience (Free Man Quotes)
Shed, as you do your garments, your daily sins, whether of omission or commission, and you will wake a free man, with a new life (Free Man Quotes)
On quiet nights, when I’m alone, I like to run our wedding video backwards, just to watch myself walk out of the church a free man (Free Man Quotes)
The anarch is oriented to facts, not ideas. He fights alone, as a free man, and would never dream of sacrificing himself to having one inadequacy supplant another and a new regime triumph over the old one. In this sense, he is closer to the philistine; the baker whose chief concern is to bake good bread; the peasant, who works his plow while armies march across his fields (Free Man Quotes)
All of the arts, poetry, music, ritual, the visible arts, the theater, must singly and together create the most comprehensive art of all, a humanized society, and its masterpiece, free man (Free Man Quotes)
And I keep on fighting for the things I want. Though I know that when you’re dead you can’t. But I’d rather be a free man in my grave, than living as a puppet or a slave (Free Man Quotes)
When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That’s why he’s not afraid of it. That’s why we’ll win (Free Man Quotes)
A hungry man is not a free man. Freedom from hunger is a fundamental right. Without this freedom, such fundamental right cannot exist (Free Man Quotes)
A free man must not be told how to think, either by the government or by social activists. He may certainly be shown the right way, but he must not accept being forced into it (Free Man Quotes)
If the choice is given to us of liberty or security, we must scorn the latter with the proper contempt of free man and the sound judgment of wise men who know that liberty and security are not incompatible in the lives of honest men (Free Man Quotes)
I always knew that someday I would once again feel the grass under my feet and walk in the sunshine as a free man (Free Man Quotes)
It was all love on my side, and all good comradeship and friendship on hers. When we parted she was a free woman, but I could never again be a free man (Free Man Quotes)
A free man thinks of nothing less than of death; and his wisdom is a meditation not on death but on life (Free Man Quotes)
A free man is he that, in those things which by his strength and wit he is able to do, is not hindered to do what he has a will to (Free Man Quotes)
A free man, who lives among ignorant people, tries as much as he can to refuse their benefits... He who lives under the guidance of reason endeavours as much as possible to repay his fellow’s hatred, rage, contempt, etc. with love and nobleness (Free Man Quotes)
How is freedom measured, in individuals as in nations? By the resistance which has to be overcome, by the effort it costs to stay aloft. One would have to seek the highest type of free man where the greatest resistance is constantly being overcome: five steps from tyranny, near the threshold of the danger of servitude (Free Man Quotes)
Love is never any better than the lover. Wicked people love wickedly, violent people love violently, weak people love weakly, stupid people love stupidly, but the love a free man is never safe. There is no gift for the beloved. the lover alone possesses his gift of love. The loved one is shorn, neutralized, frozen in the glance of the lover’s inward eyes (Free Man Quotes)
To the free man, the country is the collection of individuals who compose it, not something over and above them... He recognizes no national goal except as it is the consensus of the goals that the citizens severally serve. He recognizes no national purpose except as it is the consensus of the purposes for which the citizens severally strive (Free Man Quotes)
The hat is the pride of man; for he who cannot keep his hat on before kings and emperors is no free man (Free Man Quotes)
Arms are the only true badge of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave (Free Man Quotes)
A free man must be able to endure it when his fellow men act and live otherwise than he considers proper. He must free himself from the habit, just as soon as something does not please him, of calling for the police (Free Man Quotes)
The family is the test of freedom; because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself (Free Man Quotes)
We need to educate people about the reality of Islam, the logics of Islam. I am sure every free man in this world would fight the ideology of Islam (Free Man Quotes)
The true savage is a slave, and is always talking about what he must do; the true civilised man is a free man, and is always talking about what he may do (Free Man Quotes)