Freedom And Equality Quotes
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Text Quotes
My main fight is for freedom and equality (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
In education, once more, the chief things are equality and freedom (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
We are all different. Yet we are all God’s children. We are all united behind this country and the common cause of freedom, justice, fairness, and equality. That is what unites us. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
Individual freedom and individual equality cannot co-exist. I dare say no one since Thomas Jefferson has really believed it (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
We are a nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions-bound together by a single unity, the unity of freedom and equality. Whoever seeks to set one nationality against another, seeks to degrade all nationalities (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
He struck a mighty blow for equality, freedom and the American way of life. Jackie Robinson was a good citizen, a great man, and a true American champion (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
I joined the Labour party because I believed in equality, in freedom of speech and in tolerance, compassion and understanding for people, irrespective of their background and views. In whatever I decide to do in the future I will hold to those principles (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
Propelled by freedom of faith, gender equality and economic justice for all, India will become a modern nation. Minor blemishes cannot cloak the fact that India is becoming such a modern nation: no faith is in danger in our country, and the continuing commitment to gender equality is one of the great narratives of our times (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
The chief significance of Alpha Phi Alpha lies in its purpose to stimulate, develop, and cement an intelligent, trained leadership in the unending fight for freedom, equality and fraternity. Our task is endless (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
What the Negro wants - and will not stop until he gets - is absolute and unqualified freedom and equality here in this land of his birth, and not in Africa or in some imaginary state. The Negro no longer will be tolerant of anything less than his due right and heritage. He is pursuing only that which he knows is honorably his. He knows that he is right (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
Bourgeois democracy is democracy of pompous phrases, solemn words, exuberant promises and the high-sounding slogans of freedom and equality. But, in fact, it screens the non-freedom and inferiority of women, the non-freedom and inferiority of the toilers and exploited (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
Capitalism as a social order and as a creed is the expression of the belief in economic progress as leading toward the freedom and equality of the individual in a free and open society. Marxism expects this society to result from the abolition of private profit. Capitalism expects the free and equal society to result from the enthronement of private profit as supreme ruler of social behavior (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
I believe in the 12 Jewels and try to provide my childrem with them. That is Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Freedom, Justice, Equality, Food, Clothing, Shelter, Love, Peace and Happiness. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
Humanity will find in itself the power to live for virtue even without believing in immortality. It will find it in love for freedom, for equality, for fraternity. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
For [Karl] Marx it is socialist society which realizes concretely the religious principles of equality, brotherly love, and freedom. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
The perfection of our union, especially our commitment to equality of opportunity, has been a story of constant striving to live up to our Founding principles. This is what Abraham Lincoln meant when he said, ‘In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free - honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve.’ (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
The vegan lifestyle is a compassionate way to live that supports life, supports fairness and equality, and promotes freedom. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
Revolution is based on land. Land is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality.... (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
I have a dream, one dream, keep dreaming. Dream of freedom, justice dreaming, dreaming of equality and hopefully no longer required to dream them (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
It is crucial that members of Congress cast votes that are supportive of the values upon which our nation was founded: equality, freedom, and opportunity for all people. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
Freedom demands that we struggle for an extension of both equality and free expression, not regard one as inimical to the other. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
The sweltering summer of the Negro’s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
To realize that new world we must prefer the values of freedom and equality above all other values - above personal wealth, technical power and nationalism. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Father of the Republic, made it his great aim in his revolutionary leadership to secure freedom and equality of status for China among the nations of the world. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
If anything qualifies as an irony of history it would be this: that Marx and Engels throughout the nineteenth century wrote about America the United States as the great country of the future, of freedom and equality and a good life for the working man, and a country of revolution and emancipation, and of Russia as the great country of despotism, backwardness, savagery and superstition. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
Prosperity or egalitarianism -- you have to choose. I favor freedom -- you never achieve real equality anyway: you simply sacrifice prosperity for an illusion. (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
Rosa Parks was the queen mother of a movement whose single act of heroism sparked the movement for freedom, justice and equality. Her greatest contribution is that she told us a regular person can make a difference (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
The laws of democracy remain a dead letter, its freedom is anarchy, its equality the equality of unequals (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
In the kingdom of consumption the citizen is king. A democratic monarchy: equality before consumption, fraternity in consumption, and freedom through consumption (Freedom And Equality Quotes)
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