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Freedom is never given; it is won

Freedom is never given; it is won Picture Quote #1

Freedom is never given; it is won

As a prominent civil rights leader and labor organizer, A. Philip Randolph understood the importance of fighting for freedom and equality. His famous quote, "Freedom is never given; it is won," encapsulates the idea that true liberation cannot be handed over by those in power, but must be fought for and earned through struggle and perseverance.

Throughout his career, Randolph advocated for the rights of African Americans and workers, recognizing that these groups faced systemic oppression and discrimination that could only be overcome through collective action. He believed that individuals had to stand up and demand their rights, rather than passively waiting for them to be granted by those in authority.

Randolph's words serve as a reminder that freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by benevolent leaders, but a fundamental human right that must be defended and protected. History has shown us time and time again that progress is not made by those who passively accept the status quo, but by those who are willing to challenge the existing power structures and fight for a more just and equitable society.
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