Freedom Of Thought Quotes
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Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
I shall stand for freedom of thought and expression in a place where it has been trampled and penalized (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
There is nothing wrong with intellectual differences flowing from freedom of thought as long as such differences remain confined to intellectual debates (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
The freedom of thought is a sacred right of every individual man, and diversity will continue to increase with the progress, refinement, and differentiation of the human intellect (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
The isolation of every human soul and the necessity of self-dependence must give each individual the right, to choose his own surroundings. The strongest reason for giving woman all the opportunities for higher education, for the full development of her faculties, her forces of mind and body; for giving her the most enlarged freedom of thought and action; a complete emancipation from all forms of bondage, of custom, dependence, superstition; from all the crippling influences of fear, is the solitude and personal responsibility of her own individual life (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
Freedom of thought is best promoted by the gradual illumination of men’s minds which follows from the advance of science (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
The moment you declare a set of ideas to be immune from criticism, satire, derision, or contempt, freedom of thought becomes impossible (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
One man’s blasphemy doesn’t override other people’s free-speech rights, their freedom to publish, freedom of thought (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion all have a double aspect - freedom of thought and freedom of action (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
Organized religion provides a model of the way all organizations, from the state down to the village garden club, end a price in terms of a member’s freedom of thought and action (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
It is vain to fight totalitarianism by adopting totalitarian methods. Freedom can only be won by men unconditionally committed to the principles of freedom. The first requisite for a better social order is the return to unrestricted freedom of thought and speech (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech; which is the right of every man as far as by it he does not hurt or control the right of another; and this is the only check it ought to suffer and the only bounds it ought to know... Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freedom of speech, a thing terrible to traitors (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
Driven from every other corner of the earth, freedom of thought and the right of private judgment in matters of conscience direct their course to this happy country as their last asylum (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
Whatever the rationale, the suppression of unorthodox cancer therapies and the sustained persecution of their proponents by government and colleagues runs counter to freedom of thought, much less freedom of choice (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
How absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have. They have freedom of thought, they demand freedom of speech (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
Here is the best wish for the new year: Let there be more freedom of thought throughout the world! Fields need rain; truths need freedom of thought! (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
The fundamental right of freedom of thought and expression is essential. If you curtail what the other fellow says and does, you curtail what you yourself may say and do (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
Disputes among natural philosophers are of use to science, as the quarrels of the great, and the clamors of the little, are necessary to freedom of thought and the advancement of learning (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
Those who take refuge behind theological barbed wire fences, quite often wish they could have more freedom of thought, but fear the change to the great ocean of truth as they would a cold bath (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
America’s greatest contribution to the world is its concept of democracy, its concept of freedom, freedom of action, freedom of speech, and freedom of thought (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)
The first amendment protects free speech, but if you don’t have freedom of thought, do you really have freedom of speech? (Freedom Of Thought Quotes)