Freeman Dyson Quotes

Text Quotes
If you don’t have a nasty obituary you probably didn’t matter (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
Mathematics is really an art, not a science (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
You could say science also is an art (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
Most of what we see in the universe is dust (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
Committees do harm merely by existing (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
It’s better to get mugged than to live a life of fear (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
It makes very little sense to believe the output of the climate models (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
It is better to be wrong than to be vague (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
The glory of science is to imagine more than we can prove (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
A model is done when nothing else can be taken out (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
It has become part of the accepted wisdom to say that the twentieth century was the century of physics and the twenty-first century will be the century of biology (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
Ethical progress is the only cure for the damage done by scientific progress (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
I mean science was blamed for all the horrors of World War I, just as it’s blamed today for nuclear weapons and quite rightly (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
I don’t know, but I think it’s quite possible that the more science you teach kids in school the more it turns them off, so I don’t know. I mean you never can tell which way it will go (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
It is characteristic of all deep human problems that they are not to be approached without some humor and some bewilderment (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
We do not need to have an agreed set of goals before we do something ambitious (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
You ask: what is the meaning or purpose of life? I can only answer with another question: do you think we are wise enough to read God’s mind? (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
Successful technologies often begin as hobbies. Jacques Cousteau invented scuba diving because he enjoyed exploring caves. The Wright brothers invented flying as a relief from the monotony of their normal business of selling and repairing bicycles (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
It’s as great a part of the human adventure to invent things as to understand them. John Randall wasn’t a great scientist, but he was a great inventor. There’s been lots more like him, and it’s a shame they don’t get Nobel Prizes (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
The biologists have essentially been pushed aside. Al Gore’s just an opportunist. The person who is really responsible for this overestimate of global warming is Jim Hansen. He consistently exaggerates all the dangers (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
The important thing is that we now have the tools to sequence all kinds of animals and plants and microbes - as well as humans. It is not important that we didn’t actually finish the human sequence yet (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
It’s not going to be just humans colonizing space, it’s going to be life moving out from the Earth, moving it into its kingdom. And the kingdom of life, of course, is going to be the universe (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
One of the memorable moments of my life was when Willard Libby came to Princeton with a little jar full of crystals of barium xenate. A stable compound, looking like common salt, but much heavier. This was the magic of chemistry, to see xenon trapped into a crystal (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
It is not surprising that honest and well-informed experts can disagree about facts. But beyond the disagreement about facts, there is another deeper disagreement about values (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
The biggest breakthrough in the next 50 years will be the discovery of extraterrestrial life. We have been searching for it for 50 years and found nothing. That proves life is rarer than we hoped, but does not prove that the universe is lifeless. We are only now developing the tools to make our searches efficient and far-reaching, as optical and radio detection and data processing move forward (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
All stable processes we shall predict. All unstable processes we shall control. Describing John von Neumann’s aspiration for the application of computers sufficiently large to solve the problems of meteorology, despite the sensitivity of the weather to small perturbations (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
I had the good luck a few years ago to visit the archeological site of Zippori in Israel... I could see here displayed the Greek culture that Jesus decisively rejected, the same Greek culture that infiltrated the Christian religion soon after his death and has dominated Christianity ever since (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
Every orchid or rose or lizard or snake is the work of a dedicated and skilled breeder. There are thousands of people, amateurs and professionals, who devote their lives to this business. Now imagine what will happen when the tools of genetic engineering become accessible to these people (Freeman Dyson Quotes)
[John Wheeler] rejuvenated general relativity; he made it an experimental subject and took it away from the mathematicians (Freeman Dyson Quotes)