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A movement starts because of the social habits of friendship and the strong ties between close acquaintances. It grows because of the habits of a community, and the weak ties that hold neighborhoods and clans together. And it endures because a movement’s leaders give participants new habits that create a fresh sense of identity and a feeling of ownership  (Fresh Quotes) Green is the fresh emblem of well founded hopes. In blue the spirit can wander, but in green it can rest  (Fresh Quotes) For me, style is about quality, integrity and timelessness. It is free of trends but always feels fresh and new  (Fresh Quotes) Satvajaya can decondition the mind so we can see things fresh, like with the eyes of a child. Satvajaya techniques rid us of negative emotions, thought patterns, and prejudices that may weigh us down like undigested food  (Fresh Quotes) I try to seek out and surround myself with people who just percolate fresh, original, and creative ideas  (Fresh Quotes) Look at everything as though you are seeing it for the first time, with eyes of a child, fresh with wonder  (Fresh Quotes) In this time of extraordinary pressure, educational and social, perhaps a mother’s first duty to her children is to secure for them a quiet and growing time, a full six years of passive receptive life, the waking part of it for the most part spent out in the fresh air  (Fresh Quotes) I simply love classic design when it’s reinterpreted. These collections reflect the spirit of this design philosophy; clean pared down lines and forms rooted in tradition yet made to feel new and modern with unexpected or stylized scale, finishes and detailing. This contemporary take on tradition creates a look that’s at once current yet timeless, fresh yet familiar…the essence of both beautiful design and a beautifully designed home  (Fresh Quotes) It is so easy to close down to risk, to protect ourselves against change and growth. But no baby bird emerges without first destroying the perfect egg sheltering it. We must risk being raw and fresh and awkward. For without such openness, life will not penetrate us anew. Unless we are open, we will not be filled  (Fresh Quotes) Never let a domestic quarrel ruin a day’s writing. If you can’t start the day fresh, get rid of your wife  (Fresh Quotes) Hope. It’s like a drop of honey, a field of tulips blooming in the springtime. It’s a fresh rain, a whispered promise, a cloudless sky, the perfect punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. And it’s the only thing in the world keeping me afloat  (Fresh Quotes) On the darkest days you have to search for a spot of brightness, on the coldest days you have to seek out a spot of warmth; on the bleakest days you have to keep your eyes onward and upward and on the saddest days you have to leave them open to let them cry. To then let them dry. To give them a chance to wash out the pain in order to see fresh and clear once again  (Fresh Quotes) The patterns of big-band music are smooth and classical. It’s got to be fresh. The brass section should crackle, like the sound of eggs being dropped into hot grease  (Fresh Quotes) If you don’t learn constantly, you don’t grow and you will wither. Too many people wither on the vine. Sure, it gets a little harder as you get older, but new experiences and new challenges keep it fresh  (Fresh Quotes) A silkworm was struggling out of the cocoon and an ignorant man saw it battling as if in pain, so he went and helped it to get free, but very soon after it fluttered and died. The other silkworms that struggled out without help suffered, but they came out into full life and beauty, with wings made strong for flight by their battle for fresh existence  (Fresh Quotes) Just as a very little fresh water is blown away by a storm of wind and dust, in like manner the good deeds, that we think we do in this life, are overwhelmed by the multitude of evils  (Fresh Quotes) Time was when all the parts of the subject were dissevered, when algebra, geometry, and arithmetic either lived apart or kept up cold relations of acquaintance confined to occasional calls upon one another; but that is now at an end; they are drawn together and are constantly becoming more and more intimately related and connected by a thousand fresh ties, and we may confidently look forward to a time when they shall form but one body with one soul  (Fresh Quotes) The angling fever is a very real disease and can only be cured by the application of cold water and fresh, untainted air  (Fresh Quotes) Pine trees with low limbs spread over fresh snow made a stronger vault for the spirit than pews and pulpits ever could  (Fresh Quotes) Concentration’s like a shower. You don’t turn it on until you want to bathe... You don’t walk out of the shower and leave it running. You turn it off, you turn it on... It has to be fresh and ready when you need it  (Fresh Quotes) Progress is always the product of fresh thinking, and much of it thinking which to practical men bears the semblance of dreaming  (Fresh Quotes) The secret of staying fresh in a show is to remember that the audience you’re playing for that night has never seen it before  (Fresh Quotes) I love the big fresh starts, the clean slates like birthdays and new years, but I also really like the idea that we can get up every morning and start over  (Fresh Quotes) The biggest lesson I’ve learned... was that if you have all the fresh water you want to drink and all the food you want to eat, you ought never to complain about anything  (Fresh Quotes) Food is a product of supply and demand, so try to figure out where the supplies are fresh, the suppliers are creative, and the demanders are informed  (Fresh Quotes) This is what books only aimed to do and never could. Give you the glint of someone else’s sunrise, what living is really like, you get old and it hurts to bend your elbow; your friends start to die, you can’t get fresh fruit in the shops  (Fresh Quotes) There are other things that contribute to health besides a balanced diet. There are fresh air and sunlight and lack of nervous tension  (Fresh Quotes) Don’t flirt, have sex, or engage in emotional affairs with your friends’ significant others. This shouldn’t need to be said, but it needs to be said. That significant other is an asshole, and you don’t want to be involved with an asshole who’s used goods. If you want to be with an asshole, get a fresh asshole of your very own. They are abundant  (Fresh Quotes) I’ve always liked edges, places where one thing becomes another…… transition zones, boundaries and borderlands. I like the mixing that happens, the juxtapositions, the collisions and connections. I like the way they help me see the world from a fresh angle  (Fresh Quotes) Most good writing is clear, vigorous, honest, alive, sensuous, appropriate, unsentimental, rhythmic, without pretension, fresh, metaphorical, evocative in sound, economical, authoritative, surprising, memorable, and light  (Fresh Quotes)
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