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Fresh Quotes

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Twill make old women young and fresh, create new motions of the flesh. And cause them long for you know what, if they but taste of chocolate  (Fresh Quotes) Give me the fresh air, a beautiful partner, and a nice round of golf, and you can keep the fresh air and the round of golf  (Fresh Quotes) I would rather read a poorly structured story that has fresh ideas than a tightly structured one with cliches  (Fresh Quotes) The destructive character knows only one watchword: make room. And only one activity: clearing away. His need for fresh air and open space is stronger than any hatred  (Fresh Quotes) While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till grief be digested, and then amusement will dissipate the remains of it  (Fresh Quotes) It’s a purging of sorts. Like, when you’re all done doing your laundry and it’s fresh and bright, but washing the clothes, you wouldn’t want to get in while it’s spinning around  (Fresh Quotes) You need to study other people’s work. Their approaches to problem solving and the tools they use give you a fresh way to look at your own work  (Fresh Quotes) I begin to love this little creature, and to anticipate his birth as a fresh twist to a knot which I do not wish to untie  (Fresh Quotes) Hey, look me over, lend me an ear, fresh out of clover, mortgaged up to here  (Fresh Quotes) We are all born charming, fresh, and spontaneous and must be civilized before we are fit to participate in society  (Fresh Quotes) Every fresh appointment I make produces for me one cool friend and one hundred earnest enemies  (Fresh Quotes) Some report elsewhere whatever is told them; the measure of fiction always increases, and each fresh narrator adds something to what he has heard  (Fresh Quotes) Half my life is full of sorrow, half of joy, still fresh and new; one of these lives is a fancy, but the other one is true  (Fresh Quotes) We bring roses, beautiful fresh roses, dewy as the morning and coloured like the dawn; little tents of odour, where the bee reposes, swooning in sweetness of the bed he dreams upon  (Fresh Quotes) A wreath of dewy roses, fresh and sweet, just brought from out the garden’s cool retreat  (Fresh Quotes) Every day is a fresh beginning, listen, my soul, to the glad refrain, and spite of old sorrow, and older sinning, and troubles forecasted, and possible pain, take heart with the day, and begin again  (Fresh Quotes) The fresh and buoyant sense of being that bounds in youth’s yet careless breast  (Fresh Quotes) But we did the best we could and in the end some of us had to get day jobs and start fresh  (Fresh Quotes) We were not the victims of ancestor worship. We had the benefits of a fresh start  (Fresh Quotes) I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning  (Fresh Quotes) In a mood of faith and hope my work goes on. A ream of fresh paper lies on my desk waiting for the next book. I am a writer and I take up my pen to write  (Fresh Quotes) But those two plays left me on fresh terms with language. I didn’t always have to speak in my own voice  (Fresh Quotes) It is only in the shadows, when some fresh wave, truly original, truly creative, breaks upon the shore, that there will be a rediscovery of the West  (Fresh Quotes) The challenge is to keep it fresh. If you’re talking about Britney Spears over and over, it’s very hard to keep that interesting  (Fresh Quotes) The priority for me is just to make music that people can connect with. I want to make something fresh that people may not understand  (Fresh Quotes) The thing about Christmas is that it almost doesn’t matter what mood you’re in or what kind of a year you’ve had; it’s a fresh start  (Fresh Quotes) I like a fresh face. I like clean skin. Fresh skin, cute color on the lip, cat eye, mascara, and I’m good to go!  (Fresh Quotes) Fresh content doesn’t exist to game the SEO system. It’s the words, images, and stories that truly engage us, make us want to share with others, and creates a bond between us and a brand  (Fresh Quotes) I always sought out organic produce because to me it always tasted better; the quality was better - if you got it fresh  (Fresh Quotes) Tender and sweet, Manila clams partner well with a wide variety of foods - white wine, sake, beer, butter, leeks, fresh herbs, roasted peppers, olives, and wild mushrooms, to name a few  (Fresh Quotes)
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