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Fresh Quotes

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Ever fresh the broad creation, A divine improvisation, From the heart of God proceeds, A single will, a million deeds.  (Fresh Quotes) I feel the way I always do about sequels. If there’s an idea that excites me enough, and it feels like a way to do something new and fresh, then great. But I don’t ever want to do a sequel just for the sake of doing a sequel.  (Fresh Quotes) People complain that cities don’t have fresh, sustainable food, but it’s just not true  (Fresh Quotes) I love fresh vegetables and we always include them in our meals. I don’t force my kids to eat asparagus, but they do eat peas, broccoli, and carrots.  (Fresh Quotes) Yesterday was the first time I saw Kevin Durant in a Warrior T-shirt. I like did a double-take; it was the weirdest thing ever, because it’s still kind of fresh.  (Fresh Quotes) You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.  (Fresh Quotes) King of California’ was just, I thought, a really great, fresh, original kind of script. I loved the tone, the mix of tragedy, comedy, and drama, and that it was a good part.  (Fresh Quotes) I really look up to Will Smith. He’s internationally known, and people know him from everything. I don’t know any kid who hasn’t seen and liked Fresh Prince, or you’ll like one of his movies or his music. He’s perfect, and he’s done everything. That’s my dream: to be internationally known.  (Fresh Quotes) We engineered activity out of our lives in the name of convenience. We created foods that put fried, fatty, sweet, and salty ahead of fresh, natural, and healthy. We quickly sacrifice sleep to work longer hours in pursuit of the American Dream. Even when we do these things with good intentions, they have life-threatening consequences.  (Fresh Quotes) Poetry is a plan for a slit in the face of a bronze fountain goat and the path of fresh drinking water.  (Fresh Quotes) When April steps aside for May, Like diamonds all the rain-drops glisten; Fresh violets open every day: To some new bird each hour we listen.  (Fresh Quotes) I go to Japan every November on vacation, and the one thing I never return home without is yuba, which is the thin skin that forms atop boiling soy milk. You skim it off and either eat it fresh or dry it.  (Fresh Quotes) I’ve found when all I’m eating is really fresh, healthy foods, I stop craving pizza and burgers.  (Fresh Quotes) We do take seriously our responsibility, and growing ability, to educate people about healthy eating and giving them greater access to nourishing and affordable fresh food.  (Fresh Quotes) I’m really all about clean eating, lots of fruits and vegetables. It’s great, because in California, there are so many farmers’ markets, so I always have plenty of fresh produce.  (Fresh Quotes) A boxer’s diet should be low in fat and high in proteins and sugar. Therefore you should eat plenty of lean meat, milk, leafy vegetables, and fresh fruit and ice cream for sugar.  (Fresh Quotes) I believe in eating as nutritiously as I can all the time... My mother raised me on fresh - rather than processed - foods, and that’s how I eat on a regular basis.  (Fresh Quotes) Cook what’s fresh for the day. When you’re using fresh fruits, vegetables, and foods, it’s easier to keep the weight off. And I eat whatever I want - just not a ton of it.  (Fresh Quotes) Many rock musicians are excellent cooks, I’ve found, and those that are prefer to eat their own cooking in the studio. I encourage this behavior as I also enjoy the benefits of fresh food.  (Fresh Quotes) Regardless of who wins, an election should be a time for optimism and fresh approaches  (Fresh Quotes) I personally like a little rehearsal, not if I’m gonna have a super emotional scene you wanna have it be a fresh thing.  (Fresh Quotes) Every uncorrected error and unrepented sin is, in its own right, a fountain of fresh error and fresh sin flowing on to the end of time.  (Fresh Quotes) O’ThouWhat IWas yesterdayWill not be todayWhat I will be todayWill not be another dayI, bloom in passion of ThyBurning and rising like a rayThirst and enduring pain, I obeyWoven in desire of love and mysteryNow aid me stand firm in this pot of clayBreathe fresh life into my eyes, for a new day  (Fresh Quotes) Whenever an answer, a solution, or a creative idea is needed, stop thinking for a moment by focusing attention on your inner energy field. ... When you resume thinking, it will be fresh and creative.  (Fresh Quotes) Los Angeles and Sydney are very similar, but I definitely enjoy more fresh seafood when I’m back in Australia, as there is so much great, fresh produce here. I also like going swimming at the beach while I’m home, too.  (Fresh Quotes) Being part of the Fresh Healthy Vending team and the corporate-owned operations division has been incredible thus far. It has given me enough knowledge to take the important facts about healthy vending options to my own personal and professional contacts and expand these positive programs wherever we can.  (Fresh Quotes) I welcome viagogo’s fresh approach to the entertainment industry and I look forward to helping them build more innovative partnerships in the future.  (Fresh Quotes) Be fresh and new when perceiving the other. Always look for the highest first, look for the intrinsic beauty and goodness, for the essence of spirit in your partner.  (Fresh Quotes) Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation.  (Fresh Quotes) When I’m off the road, and I can really control my diet down to the calorie, I juice seven days a week. Every afternoon, whatever I have at hand, beets, carrots, ginger, whatever. I juice, literally, every single day. And on the road, I try to find fresh juice wherever I can.  (Fresh Quotes)
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