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Golf is good, it means I get some fresh air and exercise, take my mind off work and see some of the landscape of the place I’m visiting.  (Fresh Quotes) Indeed, an engineer designing a structure is not unlike an artist painting one. Both start with nothing but talent, experience, and inspiration. The fresh piece of paper on the drawing board is as blank as the newly stretched piece of canvas.  (Fresh Quotes) I think indie films have more of a fresh, experimental vibe about them, whereas studio films know what they want and can basically get it.  (Fresh Quotes) Mind you, physical training doesn’t necessarily mean going to an expert for advice. One doesn’t have to make a mountain out of a molehill. Get out in the fresh air and walk briskly - and don’t forget to wear a smile while you’re at it. Don’t over-do. Take it easy at first and build on your effort day by day.  (Fresh Quotes) There are simple rules of engagement: You need to have your voice, but it has to be very intentional - be brief and to the point, with fresh ideas. Don’t restate things someone else has said. Make eye contact with the person who has the floor.  (Fresh Quotes) She saw the scarlet thread of her lips, the light in her eyes, the family through their love, their children running barefoot in a fresh field.  (Fresh Quotes) Love in your heart is good medicine for long live. Hatred in your blood is the major cause of heart failure! Love people, get transfused with a fresh blood and you’ll live long!  (Fresh Quotes) I am sad, like the hot dust on the streets And the music of fresh fallen leaves Caught in a sliding summer breeze.  (Fresh Quotes) It’s strange indeed how memories can lie dormant in a man’s mind for so many years. Yet those memories can be awakened and brought forth fresh and new, just by something you’ve seen, or something you’ve heard, or the sight of an old familiar face.  (Fresh Quotes) The classic Italian green sauce, salsa verde, is easy to make and especially nice in the spring when bunches of fresh herbs start appearing in the farmers market or in your garden.  (Fresh Quotes) The thing that I realize about fashion now, fashion and music, now versus back then is that you had to have fresh records and be fresh.  (Fresh Quotes) They’d paid some madman who thought he was a decorator a lot of money to make the place look hip and unique. Maybe it’s my lack of fashion sense talking, but I thought they should have held out for one of these gorillas who has learned to paint. The results would have been of similar quality, and they could have paid in fresh produce.  (Fresh Quotes) Every fresh act of sin lessens fear and remorse, hardens our hearts, blunts the edge of our conscience, and increases our evil inclination.  (Fresh Quotes) I loved the feeling of freedom in running, the fresh air, the feeling that the only person I’m competing with is me.  (Fresh Quotes) I love to listen to the music that first inspired me - I get that fresh feeling back  (Fresh Quotes) Why bother with fictional characters and plots when the world was full of more marvelous stories that were true, with characters so fresh, so powerful, so new, that they stepped from into the narratives under their own power?  (Fresh Quotes) Everybody struggles to come up with stuff that no one has ever seen before. It’s a fine line between trying to get creative and doing something that’s new, fresh and different - yet, for me, something that’s based in reality that would actually work in these situations. These are the keys to great fight scenes and action sequences.  (Fresh Quotes) An evil deed, like fresh milk, does not go bad suddenly. Smouldering, like fire covered by ashes, the evil deed follows the fool.  (Fresh Quotes) We all remember how, at the beginning of the sulphonamide era, it was repeatedly observed that fresh cases of gonorrhoea in men responded best to sulphonamide treatment when suppuration had already occurred for several days, and not at the first appearance of the disease.  (Fresh Quotes) Have written my first grateful thanks for a fresh new day in a new year  (Fresh Quotes) The enjoyment of work - to the extent that you have any - is likely highest in the first hours of the day when you are fresh, not tired, working on the most important things.  (Fresh Quotes) What cultural DNA remains from those first Puritan forays onto American soil may be our love of a fresh start.  (Fresh Quotes) I feel like part of getting better at writing is knowing where to find that inspiration. Right after something happens to me, the first thing I’ll do is go write when those feelings are really, really fresh.  (Fresh Quotes) I’ve had really great experiences working with first-time directors. They come at filmmaking with fresh ideas. I’ve been very lucky that way.  (Fresh Quotes) Even that was all consumed after two days, and the patients had to try to choke down fresh fish, just boiled in water, without salt, pepper or butter; mutton, beef, and potatoes without the faintest seasoning.  (Fresh Quotes) It’s important to salt the tomatoes before draining them because that helps pull out the water. Fresh herbs, some garlic and pepper will also enhance the flavor.  (Fresh Quotes) I always like my trailer or hotel room to have fresh flowers or pillows I find at a local flea market - anything to personalize the environment.  (Fresh Quotes) Talent is a spring from which fresh water is constantly flowing. But this spring loses its value if it is not used in the right way.  (Fresh Quotes) When we focus on or disappointments , we stop God from ringing fresh new blessing into our lives  (Fresh Quotes) Fresh, organic, cage-free eggs that slip right out of the shell are a versatile gift of the food world and can be transformed into a variety of tasty meals.  (Fresh Quotes)
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