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Fresh Quotes

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We are at this weird moment where there’s an economic model that supports creativity. People are demanding something new and fresh.  (Fresh Quotes) I try to never repeat a character. I always try to find something new and fresh and interesting that inspires me.  (Fresh Quotes) No one has the right to enter literature without fresh new ideas. We’ve got too many dexterous drudges as it is.  (Fresh Quotes) The worst thing about talk ... is that there’s no way to lay it to rest. Every fresh breeze brings a new speculation.  (Fresh Quotes) What have we heard from Republican voters? They want somebody that’s new, they want somebody that’s fresh. They don’t want an establishment.  (Fresh Quotes) [John F.Kennedy] liked fresh company, new people to come visit and then leave. ... I think he liked the protection of numbers too.  (Fresh Quotes) I think it creates so many more opportunities and pitfalls in that you are treading on fresh snow, so you’re in a new place.  (Fresh Quotes) I also have my backpack of the tried-and-true, and because it is new to [my students], it becomes fresh to me again as well.  (Fresh Quotes) A work of art can start you thinking about some aesthetic or philosophical problem; it can suggest some new method, some fresh approach to fiction.  (Fresh Quotes) Everything on earth has happened before, nothing is new, but woe to the lovers who fail to discover a fresh blossom in every future kiss.  (Fresh Quotes) It’s a mental fake-out to myself. I make believe I’m making a new show so I forget the material I was working on and make up some fresh material.  (Fresh Quotes) But there’s a beginning in an end, you know? It’s true that you can’t reclaim what you had, but you can lock it up behind you. Start fresh.  (Fresh Quotes) Just be sure you brush your teeth tonight. Morning breath is a fresh sea breeze compared to the hellitosis of blood breath.  (Fresh Quotes) Manouri is a Greek ewes’ milk cheese that’s light in colour and texture. It’s fresh and milky, and goes well with other subtle flavours.  (Fresh Quotes) Show (don’t tell) your customers that you have good quality by actually delivering fresh coffee and tea. Intelligent people are active recipients of information, and prefer to reach conclusions by themselves.  (Fresh Quotes) I must always have fresh orange juice, alkaline water and hazelnut creamer for my coffee  (Fresh Quotes) Contouring makes a huge difference in your bone structure! I don’t do it every day, because when I’m not working, I like to keep my skin fresh.  (Fresh Quotes) Back in the day, we ate fresh; our parents cooked. Now, we’re starting to think things are fresh because they’re in a can, they’re in a box, or they’re frozen. That’s not fresh. It’s difficult to get real fresh.  (Fresh Quotes) A fresh mind keeps the body fresh. Take in the ideas of the day, drain off those of yesterday.  (Fresh Quotes) Never let a domestic quarrel ruin a day’s writing. If you can’t start the day fresh, get rid of your wife.  (Fresh Quotes) Open your eyes! The world is still intact; it is as pristine as it was on the first day, as fresh as milk!  (Fresh Quotes) I do not think a day passes in my life in which I fail to look with fresh amazement at the miracle of nature.  (Fresh Quotes) Each day brings a fresh opportunity for you to set the standard of how dedicated and committed you are to your needs, wants, goals, and relationships.  (Fresh Quotes) The love of study, a passion which derives fresh vigor from enjoyment, supplies each day, each hour, with a perpetual source of independent and rational pleasure.  (Fresh Quotes) I look at fitness as a necessity in the same way as how you drink water, eat food, one should look at fitness in a dedicated way. People will look fresh and happy. If you are happy, you in a way look fit.  (Fresh Quotes) Every child who is born is the universe looking at itself with fresh eyes  (Fresh Quotes) When you start using senses you’ve neglected, your reward is to see the world with completely fresh eyes.  (Fresh Quotes) The whole present moment was a celebration; it always had been; all I needed was fresh eyes to see it.  (Fresh Quotes) The important thing is to pull yourself up by your own hair to turn yourself inside out and see the whole world with fresh eyes.  (Fresh Quotes) I saw my mother in a different light. We all need to do that. You have to be displaced from what’s comfortable and routine, and then you get to see things with fresh eyes, with new eyes.  (Fresh Quotes)
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