Fresh Quotes

Text Quotes
I really believe in less is more. It’s more sophisticated to look look and fresh and make a statement in one place. (Fresh Quotes)
Don’t look at all at what other people are doing. Think of what you’re doing as completely fresh because if you imitate you’re dead. (Fresh Quotes)
In a perfect world, I would do 3 weeks on 3 weeks off; so that I could always take a breather and come back to music with a fresh mind. (Fresh Quotes)
Someone with a fresh mind, one not conditioned by upbringing and environment, would doubtless look at science and the powerful reductionism that it inspires as overwhelmingly the better mode of understanding the world, and would doubtless scorn religion as sentimental wishful thinking. (Fresh Quotes)
The Cern laboratory in Geneva was set up in 1955 to bring together European scientists who wished to pursue research into the nuclear and sub-nuclear world. Physicists then had greater clout than other scientists because the memory of their role in the Second World War was fresh in people’s minds. (Fresh Quotes)
After finishing a draft, no matter how rough, I almost always put it aside for a while. It doesn’t matter if it’s a story or a novel, I find that when it’s still fresh in my mind I’m either thoroughly sick of its flaws or completely blind to them. Either way, I’m unable to make substantive edits of any value. (Fresh Quotes)
It is a serious thing // just to be alive / on this fresh morning / in this broken world (Fresh Quotes)
Poetry is a fresh morning spider-web telling a story of moonlit hours of weaving and waiting during a night. (Fresh Quotes)
The first fresh hour of every morning should be dedicated to the Lord, whose mercy gladdens it with golden light. (Fresh Quotes)
My wife gets pampered pretty well. She’s had me trained since she was pregnant, when I started making her oatmeal with fresh berries every morning. (Fresh Quotes)
I’m young as morning and fresh as dew. Everybody loves me and so do you. (Fresh Quotes)
The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live. Breathe before it’s gone. (Fresh Quotes)
It’s kind of true that they just start making the same movie over and over again. It’s also true that the times dictate what kind of movies get made and what kind are not. So I’m always looking for something that’s a little fresh and something that I haven’t seen before. (Fresh Quotes)
Yes, long hours and a hard life for my parents, but for a six to seven year old every new day dawned with fresh excitement when you have not a care in the world, and so much to learn and witness. (Fresh Quotes)
I believe shooting chronologically gives you a very fresh perspective and you’re always aware of where you are in the development of the characters. (Fresh Quotes)
Sometimes a fresh perspective is all you need to get a second wind on the revision process. Try viewing your material on a different medium; it will shed a new light on the inconsistencies in the dark. (Fresh Quotes)
I didn’t want to try and borrow kudos from Indonesian culture. I was trying to get a fresh perspective on these instruments. I’m not doing a Paul Simon Gracelands and stealing all this African music and not give anyone any credit. (Fresh Quotes)
I’m a fan of characters wherever they come from. Truth be told, I wasn’t a big comic book fan growing up. Maybe that helps me bring a fresh perspective to things because I’m not trying to match anything that’s been done in the past. (Fresh Quotes)
When you have a fresh point of view that comes from the right side of the heart, it’s just so valuable. You can take it or not take it, but just that perspective can give you a lot of strength or make you reflect on a lot of things. (Fresh Quotes)
I got my ears pierced when I was 12. I looked up to my older cousin, and he had earrings. Will Smith on ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ had the left earring. So I started with the left earring, and then two years later, I got the other one pierced. (Fresh Quotes)
I was trying so hard. I would memorize the entire script, then I’d be lipping everybody’s lines while they were talking. When I watch those episodes, it’s disgusting. My performances were horrible. [On his first season of THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR (1990)] (Fresh Quotes)
One of the richest countries in the history of the world having communities where people have to go over half an hour to get to fresh produce and food is unacceptable. (Fresh Quotes)
My general rule is that if everyone knew how to cook fresh produce from their local area, and Monday to Thursday within 20 minutes, you know, there’s millions of recipes out there to be had. (Fresh Quotes)
As a girl, I had zero interest in the stove. I’ve always had a healthy appetite, especially for the wonderful meat and the fresh produce of California, but I was never encouraged to cook and just didn’t see the point in it. (Fresh Quotes)
I always sought out organic produce because to me it always tasted better; the quality was better - if you got it fresh. (Fresh Quotes)
The TV business is like the produce section of the market. Today everything is fresh and glistening and firm. And tomorrow, when they find a bruise on you, they toss you out. (Fresh Quotes)
The vision that we and the Rothschilds have for India is to link Indian fields to the world and put the produce, as fresh as it can be, on Western tables in 4-5 days. (Fresh Quotes)
I don’t want to do something unproductive with my time, so I decided to do something musical. So it felt good to say, ‘Yeah, I’m producing.’ It gave me a fresh vibe - inspiring in a different way. (Fresh Quotes)
Many Japanese painters and calligraphers would change their names intentionally to keep their relationship to the art always fresh. This way, others’ expectations can be avoided. (Fresh Quotes)
And I have the support of the writers: I have a great relationship with the creative team, and they have a good hold of my character and my personality, and they come up with some great stuff, and I’m forever trying to change it up, keep it fresh. (Fresh Quotes)