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Your website is the window of your business. Keep it fresh, keep it exciting  (Fresh Quotes) My two rules of cooking: keep it fresh and keep it simple  (Fresh Quotes) We can’t be in the business of carting fresh air around the country  (Fresh Quotes) When all else fails, fresh tactics!  (Fresh Quotes) I don’t watch trailers, I like to go into every movie fresh  (Fresh Quotes) Nuclear energy people perceive the greenhouse effect as a fresh wind blowing at their back  (Fresh Quotes) I love being outside and getting fresh air  (Fresh Quotes) I like the challenges of doing different things. It keeps things fresh for me  (Fresh Quotes) Honest, I listen to classical mostly. It keeps my mind fresh to write rock songs  (Fresh Quotes) I layer my moisturizers, which makes my complexion so fresh, I can wear less foundation  (Fresh Quotes) I love fashion. I like looking fresh and wearing new stuff  (Fresh Quotes) An open mind is like an open window. It lets the fresh air in  (Fresh Quotes) Every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterwards carefully avoid  (Fresh Quotes) Change is as good as a rest. It keeps me fresh  (Fresh Quotes) The only cure for loss of illusions is fresh illusions, more illusions, and always illusions  (Fresh Quotes) Being fresh is more important than having money  (Fresh Quotes) I’m trying to see my own country with fresh eyes  (Fresh Quotes) True creativity is fresh, but not always original  (Fresh Quotes) The real function of the artist is to give fresh vision to their own generation  (Fresh Quotes) It’s good to have a short memory because it keeps life fresh  (Fresh Quotes) Genius discovers a system; average talent stereotypes it till it is shattered by fresh genius  (Fresh Quotes) As an actress, you have to keep yourself fresh and new  (Fresh Quotes) Everything matters terribly to children, you know, they’re fresh and unformed  (Fresh Quotes) As an actor, you are always looking for something fresh and interesting and not ordinary  (Fresh Quotes) Always first draw fresh breath after outbursts of vanity and complacency  (Fresh Quotes) Defeat should never be a source of discouragement but rather a fresh stimulus  (Fresh Quotes) There is new strength, repose of mind, and inspiration in fresh apparel  (Fresh Quotes) Follow your genius closely enough, and it will not fail to show you a fresh prospect every hour  (Fresh Quotes) Pity only on fresh objects stays, but with the tedious sight of woes decays  (Fresh Quotes) In clothes clean and fresh there is a kind of youth with which age should surround itself  (Fresh Quotes)
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