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Fresh Quotes

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Fresh is best  (Fresh Quotes) Kindness is soft and beautiful like a fresh flower  (Fresh Quotes) Love is like morning dew. It is always beautiful and fresh.  (Fresh Quotes) Love’s a fire that needs renewal Of fresh beauty for its fuel  (Fresh Quotes) A sushi chef has to spot the best-quality fresh fish instantly  (Fresh Quotes) It’s a big deal in my city to have a breath of fresh air  (Fresh Quotes) Reading [John] Calvin is a breath of fresh air  (Fresh Quotes) Just to give the audience a breath of fresh air is important  (Fresh Quotes) Mastery is the breeding ground of fresh, creative passion  (Fresh Quotes) You can make a fresh start with your final breath  (Fresh Quotes) I love good, fresh food cooked by someone who knows what he’s doing  (Fresh Quotes) To keep the air fresh among words is the secret of verbal cleanliness  (Fresh Quotes) New information makes new and fresh ideas possible  (Fresh Quotes) The sweet fragrance of a fresh New Year!  (Fresh Quotes) One new feature or fresh take can change everything  (Fresh Quotes) What we need now is some new, fresh clichés  (Fresh Quotes) Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day  (Fresh Quotes) I was a daisy fresh girl and look what you’ve done to me  (Fresh Quotes) A fresh mind keeps the body fresh  (Fresh Quotes) I always do my firing in the morning because that’s when I’m fresh  (Fresh Quotes) Love is always fresh as morning dew  (Fresh Quotes) Somehow, a scrubbed house spells a fresh start  (Fresh Quotes) Marvel always make it fresh so you can give it your personal twist  (Fresh Quotes) God, why didn’t you make Woman first - when you were fresh?  (Fresh Quotes) Immigration is good for a country. It brings fresh energy.  (Fresh Quotes) A good story feels both surprising and inevitable, fresh and familiar  (Fresh Quotes) The war went from bad to worse and the Government was universally detested. As each fresh catastrophe came to the public's notice some small share of blame might attach itself to this or that person, but in General everyone united in blaming the Ministers, and they, poor things, had no one to blame but each other - which they did more and more frequently  (Fresh Quotes) Try to be pleasant to one another, get plenty of fresh air, read a good book now and then, depose your government when it suspends the free press, try to use the mechanism of the state to adjudicate fairly and employ diplomatic means wherever possible to avoid armed conflict  (Fresh Quotes) I had once remarked to Feely that, because of the oxygen, breathing fresh air was like breathing God, but she had slapped my face and told me I was being blasphemous  (Fresh Quotes) It was one of those glorious days in march when the air was so fresh that you worshipped every whiff of it; that each breath of the intoxicating stuff created such new universes in your lungs and brain you were certain you were about to explode with sheer joy; one of those blustery days of scudding clouds and piddling showers and gum boots and wind-blown brollies that made you know you were truly alive  (Fresh Quotes)
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