Freya Stark Quotes

Text Quotes
... it is a matter of civilizing everyone or not being civilized at all: the decay has always come from a partial civilization (Freya Stark Quotes)
The main necessity on both sides of a revolution is kindness, which makes possible the most surprising things. To treat one’s neighbor as oneself is the fundamental maxim for revolution (Freya Stark Quotes)
Tolerance cannot afford to have anything to do with the fallacy that evil may convert itself to good (Freya Stark Quotes)
What I find trying in a country which you do not understand and where you cannot speak, is that you can never be yourself (Freya Stark Quotes)
... I want to be one of those people who are always to be found at home, nice restful people whom everybody likes because they give a feeling of permanence to this rushing world (Freya Stark Quotes)
The essence of travel is diffuse. It is never there on the spot as it were, but always beyond: its symbol is the horizon, and its interest always lies over that edge in the unseen (Freya Stark Quotes)
A pen and a notebook and a reasonable amount of discrimination will change a journey from a mere annual into a perennial, its pleasures and pains renewable at will (Freya Stark Quotes)
I first noticed how the sound of water is like the talk of human voices, and would sometimes wake in the night and listen, thinking that a crowd of people were coming through the woods (Freya Stark Quotes)
Every word calls up far more of a picture than its actual meaning is supposed to do, and the writer has to deal with all these silent associations as well as with the uttered significance (Freya Stark Quotes)
... there are few things that can reconcile us fully to our parting with a world of which the longest life can see so little and whose beauties have so extraordinary a variety (Freya Stark Quotes)
... I cannot think a civilization worth having that does not encourage and enable its subjects to spend something, not extorted by governments but freely given to keep wretchedness at least from the streets they walk through day by day (Freya Stark Quotes)
Love, like broken porcelain, should be wept over and buried, for nothing but a miracle will resuscitate it: but who in this world has not for some wild moments thought to recall the irrecoverable with words? (Freya Stark Quotes)
Life, to be happy at all, must be in its way a sacrament, and it is a failure in religion to divorce it from the holy acts of everyday, of ordinary human existence (Freya Stark Quotes)
In one form or another, conscious or unconscious, we have all become propagandists; integrity alone can keep us truthful (Freya Stark Quotes)
... freshness trembles beneath the surface of Everyday, a joy perpetual to all who catch its opal lights beneath the dust of habit (Freya Stark Quotes)
... the thwarting of the instinct to love is the root of all sorrow and not sex only but divinity itself is insulted when it is repressed (Freya Stark Quotes)
I do think we should be provided with a new body about the age of thirty or so when we have learnt to attend to it with consideration (Freya Stark Quotes)
Most people, after accomplishing something, use it over and over again like a gramophone record till it cracks, forgetting that the past is just the stuff with which to make more future (Freya Stark Quotes)
An absolute condition of all successful living, whether for an individual or a nation, is the acceptance of death (Freya Stark Quotes)
To think to keep things as they are, is to let them move unpredictably, since nothing but death will still the beat of the heart or keep the universe from its perpetual motion (Freya Stark Quotes)
Style is something peculiar to one person; it expresses one personality and one only; it cannot be shared (Freya Stark Quotes)
Solitude, I reflected, is the one deep necessity of the human spirit to which adequate recognition is never given in our codes. It is looked upon as a discipline or penance, but hardly ever as the indispensable, pleasant ingredient it is to ordinary life, and from this want of recognition come half our domestic troubles (Freya Stark Quotes)
Travel does what good novelists also do to the life of everyday, placing it like a picture in a frame or a gem in its setting, so that the intrinsic qualities are made more clear. Travel does this with the very stuff that everyday life is made of, giving to it the sharp contour and meaning of art (Freya Stark Quotes)
To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the most pleasant sensations in the world. You are surrounded by adventure (Freya Stark Quotes)
Perhaps the best function of parenthood is to teach the young creature to love with safety, so that it may be able to venture unafraid when later emotion comes; the thwarting of the instinct to love is the root of all sorrow and not sex only but divinity itself is insulted when it is repressed. To disapprove, to condemn the human soul shrivels under barren righteousness (Freya Stark Quotes)
The slightest living thing answers a deeper need than all the works of man because it is transitory. It has an evanescence of life, or growth, or change: it passes, as we do, from one stage to another, from darkness to darkness, into a distance where we, too, vanish out of sight. A work of art is static; and its value and its weakness lie in being so: but the tuft of grass and the clouds above it belong to our own traveling brotherhood (Freya Stark Quotes)
The portion we see of human beings is very small: their formats and faces, voices and words... beyond these, like an immense dark continent, lies all that has made them (Freya Stark Quotes)
Love of learning is a pleasant and universal bond since it deals with what one is and not what one has (Freya Stark Quotes)
One can only really travel if one lets oneself go and takes what every place brings without trying to turn it into a healthy private pattern of one’s own and I suppose that is the difference between travel and tourism (Freya Stark Quotes)
The great and almost only comfort about being a woman is that one can always pretend to be more stupid than one is and no one is surprised (Freya Stark Quotes)