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Friedman Quotes

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Drew Friedman isn't just a brilliant artist. He takes you to a place. He takes you back in time. He makes you smell the stale cigarettes and cold brisket and you say, thank you for the pleasure  (Friedman Quotes) I may not be the most famous songwriter in the world, but you know a David Friedman song when you hear it. It took me a long time to appreciate that  (Friedman Quotes) Economists agree about economics - and that’s a science - and they disagree about economic policy because that’s a value judgment... I’ve had profound disagreements on policy with the famous Milton Friedman. But, on economics, we agree.  (Friedman Quotes) Thank You for Being Late pinpoints 2007 as the year what he calls the, quote, great acceleration began, ushering in a dizzying and disorienting era of change - technological, economic, environmental. Dealing with that change, the challenge of our time, says Tom Friedman. He’s here to explain it right now.  (Friedman Quotes) In terms of companies, they must stand for something bigger. They must be dedicated to something larger than financial results. I reject the Milton Friedman belief that a company’s sole responsibility is to the shareholders.  (Friedman Quotes) As to the meaning of corporate social responsibility, Friedman and I would agree: If a certain action improves the corporation’s bottom line, there’s no point in labeling it socially responsible. It’s just good business.  (Friedman Quotes) I took the obligatory economics classes in school, but I’ve long been a fan of the Milton Friedman philosophy and its libertarian bent: One must be free to do what one wants to do, as long as you don’t harm another. This is the seminal treatise on free-market economics.  (Friedman Quotes) Even philosophies who have denounced pseudosciences like psychoanalysis, have condoned pseudoscientific economic theories like neoclassical microeconomics. It is far safer and easier to criticize Freud and Jung than to criticize Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek, because the latter are backed by political movements whereas the former are not.  (Friedman Quotes) Even as I pursued a doctorate in the history of ideas in my native Denmark, I realized I had neither the encyclopedic training nor the passion for cool logic - not to mention the nerve - to follow in the footsteps of classical liberal philosophers and economists such as Robert Nozick, Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman.  (Friedman Quotes) Keynes vs Hayek? Friedman vs Krugman? Those are the wrong intellectual debates. Its you vs. Tony Hayward, BP CEO, You vs. Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs CEO. And you are losing ...  (Friedman Quotes) I don’t think that much change comes from economists. I think it comes more from political realities. Probably the two giants of the 20th century, who actually did shift government policy in the U.S. and around the world, were John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman. I don’t see anybody in our system who is at that level of influence.  (Friedman Quotes)