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Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes

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The humanity of famous intellectuals lies in being wrong with gracious courtesy when dealing with those who are not famous  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Not infrequently, we encounter copies of important human beings; and here, too, as in the case of paintings, most people prefer the copies to the originals  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) What saved me then? Nothing but pregnancy. And each time after I had given birth to my work my life hung suspended by a thin thread  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) As refined fare serves a hungry man as well as and no better than coarser food, the more pretentious artist will not dream of inviting the hungry man to his meal  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The enormous expectation having to do with sexual love and the shame involved in this expectation degrades all a woman’s perspectives from the start  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Every great love brings with it the cruel idea of killing the object of its love so that it may be removed once and for all from the wicked game of change: for love dreads change even more than annihilation  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Just as soon as we notice that someone has to force himself to pay attention when dealing and talking with us, we have a valid demonstration that he does not love us or that he does not love us anymore  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) I feel all those human beings to be pernicious who can no longer oppose what they love: they thereby ruin the best things and people  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Loving and perishing: it’s been a rhyme all these eternities. The will to love: that is, also being willing to die  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The woman and the genius do not work. Up to now, woman has been mankind’s supreme luxury. In all those moments when we do our best, we do not work. Work is merely a means to these moments  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The surest sign that two people no longer speak the same language is that both say ironic things to one another but that neither senses the irony  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) A man who possesses genius is insufferable unless he also possesses at least two other things: gratitude and cleanliness  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) It is doubtful whether anyone who has travelled widely has found anywhere in the world regions more ugly than in the human face  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) We should conserve evil just as we should conserve the forests. It is true that by thinning and clearing the forests the earth grew warmer  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) With one more talent one frequently stands with greater instability than with one less, as a table stands better on three legs than on four  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Some people appear to be more meager in talent than they are, just because the tasks they set themselves are always too great  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Where the past is venerated the clean and those who clean things up should be kept out. Piety is never happy without a little dust, dirt, and rubbish  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) For it is only as an aesthetic phenomenon that existence and the world are eternally justified  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Some men have sighed over the abduction of their wives, but many more have sighed because no one wanted to abduct theirs  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Men subsequently put whatever is newly learned or experienced to use as a plowshare, perhaps even as a weapon: but women immediately include it among their ornaments  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Thus do I want man and woman to be: the one fit to wage war and the other fit to give birth, but both fit to dance with head and feet  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Life is fountain of joy; but where the rabble also gather to drink, all wells are poisoned  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) We belong to an age whose culture is in danger of perishing through the means to culture  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The child as a monument to the passion of two people; the will to oneness in two  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Time, space, and causality are only metaphors of knowledge, with which we explain things to ourselves  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Cows sometimes wear an expression resembling wonderment arrested on its way to becoming a question. In the eye of superior intelligence, on the other hand, lies the nil admirari spread out like the monotony of a cloudless sky  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Not with wrath do we kill, but with laughter. Come, let us kill the spirit of gravity!  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) When we dream about those who are long since forgotten or dead, it is a sign that we have undergone a radical transformation and that the ground on which we live has been completely dug up: then the dead rise up, and our antiquity becomes modernity  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Scholars who become politicians are usually assigned the comic role of having to be the good conscience of state policy  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) We are in the greatest danger of being run over when we have just gotten out of the way of a carriage  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
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