Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes

Text Quotes
When one thinks profusely and cleverly, not only his face but his body too takes on a clever appearance (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Asceticism is the right way of thinking for those who have to extirpate their sensual drives because they are ravening beasts of prey. But only for those! (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Laughter means: taking a mischievous delight in someone else’s uneasiness, but with a good conscience (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
In a seriously intended intellectual emancipation a person’s mute passions and cravings also hope to find their advantage (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
The first opinion that occurs to us when we are suddenly asked about something is usually not our own but only the current one pertaining to our class, position, or parentage; our own opinions seldom swim on the surface (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Illness is a clumsy attempt to arrive at health: we must come to nature’s aid with intellect (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
I presume that you are compassionate: to be without pity means to be sick in body and spirit. But one should have spirit in abundance, so as to be permitted to be compassionate! For your pity is detrimental to you and to everyone (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
When somebody dies we usually need reasons for consolation, not so much to alleviate our pain as to excuse ourselves for so readily feeling consoled (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Vanity is the fear of appearing original: it is thus a lack of pride, but not necessarily a lack of originality (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Just as bones, tissues, intestines, and blood vessels are enclosed in a skin that makes it possible to bear the sight of a human being, so the agitations and passions of the soul are wrapped up in vanity: it is the soul’s skin (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
For some natures, changing their opinions is just as much a requirement of cleanliness as changing their clothes: for others, however, it is merely a requirement of vanity (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Whoever has looked deeply into the world might well guess what wisdom lies in the superficiality of men (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Men who think deeply appear to be comedians in their dealings with others because they always have to feign superficiality in order to be understood (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
This mother needs happy, reputable children, and that one needs unhappy ones: otherwise she cannot show her kindness as a mother (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
A real fox calls sour not only those grapes that he cannot reach but also those that he has reached and taken away from others (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Impoliteness is frequently the sign of an awkward modesty that loses its head when surprised and hopes to conceal this with rudeness (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Sometimes in conversation the sound of our own voice distracts us and misleads us into making assertions that in no way express our true opinions (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
All parties attempt to represent important things that have developed outside themselves as unimportant, and where they fail in this they assail those things all the more bitterly the more admirable they are (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
How can anyone become a thinker unless he spends at least a third of every day away from passions, people, and books? (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Sometimes all you need to do to win clever people over to a principle is to present it in the form of a shocking paradox (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
The one conclusive argument that has at all times discouraged people from drinking a poison is not that it kills but rather that it tastes bad (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
We fear our neighbor’s hostile mood because we are afraid that this mood will lead him to penetrate our secrets (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Give me today, for once, the worst throw of your dice, destiny. Today I transmute everything into gold (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
When a man has just been greatly honored and has eaten a little he is the most generous (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
You say that I should be your teacher! See to it that I am your pinion and not your brake (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Man is more sensitive to the contempt that others feel towards him than to the contempt that he feels towards himself (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
The most unambiguous sign that a person holds men in low esteem is this, that he either acknowledges them merely as means to his ends or does not acknowledge them at all (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
In affability there is no hatred of men, but for that very reason there is all too much contempt for men (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Strong currents drag many stones and bushes along with them, strong intellects many dense and muddled minds (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Annoyance is a physical malady that is in no way cured just because the annoying situation that causes it is eliminated (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)