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Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes

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There is an innocence in lying which is the sign of good faith in a cause  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) It is not to everyone’s taste that truth should be pronounced pleasant. But at least let no one believe that error becomes truth when it is pronounced unpleasant  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) They climb the mountain like beasts, stupid and sweating; it seems that no one bothered to tell them that there are beautiful vistas along the way  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) A refined soul is distressed to know that someone owes it thanks; a crude soul, to know that it owes someone thanks  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) A sure way to irritate people and to put evil thoughts into their heads is to keep them waiting a long time. This makes them immoral  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The people we keep standing in the anteroom of our favor either start fermenting or turn sour  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) A noble soul is not the one that can manage the highest flights but the one that rises very little and falls very little but always dwells in a free, resplendent atmosphere and altitude  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Lying very still and thinking very little is the most inexpensive medicine for all the sicknesses of the soul, and when administered with good intentions it grows more and more pleasant with each passing hour  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) A person must have a good memory to keep the promises he has made. A person must have a strong imagination to be able to have pity. So closely is morality tied to the quality of the intellect  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The most dangerous follower is the one whose defection would destroy the whole party: hence, the best follower  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Unresolved dissonances between the characters and dispositions of the parents continue to reverberate in the nature of the child and make up the history of its inner sufferings  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) You must await your thirst and allow it to become complete: otherwise you will never discover your spring, which can never be anyone else’s!  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Children from humble families must be taught how to command just as other children must be taught how to obey  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) You lack the courage to be consumed in flames and to become ashes: so you will never become new, and never young again!  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The arrogance that accompanies merit offends us even more than the arrogance of people who are lacking in merit: since merit itself offends us  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) There are people who are so presumptuous that they know no other way to praise a greatness that they publicly admire than by representing it as a preliminary stage and bridge leading to themselves  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Heaping glowing coals on another person’s head is usually misunderstood and comes to nothing because the other person knows just as well that he is in the right and has also given some thought on his own part to heaping coals  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Many are obstinate with regard to the pathway once they have set upon it, few with regard to the goal  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The condition that gives birth to a rule is not the same as the condition to which the rule gives birth  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Those with certain temperaments find no way to endure themselves except by striving towards going under  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Just as a waterfall grows slower and more lightly suspended as it plunges down, so the great man of action tends to act with greater calmness than his tempestuous desires prior to the deed would lead one to expect  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) If we have injured someone, giving him the opportunity to make a joke about us is often enough to provide him personal satisfaction, or even to win his good will  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Immortal is the moment when I engendered the recurrence. For the sake of this moment I bear the recurrence  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Every living body continuously eliminates feces, it rejects what is not serviceable to the assimilating organism: what man despises, what arouses his disgust, what he calls evil, are excrements  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) We must repay goodness and wickedness: but why exactly to the person who has done us a good or a wicked turn?  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Whoever turns away from us might not offend us in doing so perhaps, but he certainly offends our followers  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) To our strongest impulse, to the tyrant in us, not only our reason but also our conscience yields  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) We attack not only to hurt someone, to defeat him, but perhaps also simply to become conscious of our own strength  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) I can still stand on life’s narrowest footing: but who would I be were I to show you this art. Would you like to see a ropedancer?  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The object of convalescence ought to be to turn our attention to life: at other times, simply to our tasks!  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
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