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Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes

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There are two types of genius; one which above all begets and wants to beget, and another which prefers being fertilized and giving birth  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The heart and hand of those who always mete out become callous from always meting out  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Whatever harm the evil may do, the harm done by the good is the most harmful harm  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Every fact and every work exercises a fresh persuasion over every age and every new species of man. History always enunciates new truths  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) It is far pleasanter to injure and afterwards beg forgiveness than to be injured and grant forgiveness. He who does the former gives evidence of power and afterwards of kindness of character  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The hypocrite who always plays one and the same part ceases at last to be a hypocrite  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) In laughter all that is evil comes together, but is pronounced holy and absolved by its own bliss  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) We praise or blame as one or the other affords more opportunity for exhibiting our power of judgement  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) When a man is in love he endures more than at other times; he submits to everything  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) That lies should be necessary to life is part and parcel of the terrible and questionable character of existence  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) As soon as we are shown the existence of something old in a new thing, we are pacified  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) A refined nature is vexed by knowing that some one owes it thanks, a coarse nature by knowing that it owes thanks to some one  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The man who sees little always sees less than there is to see; the man who hears badly always hears something more than there is to hear  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Verily, I do not like them, the merciful who feel blessed in their pity: they are lacking too much in shame. If I must pity, at least I do not want it known; and if I do pity, it is preferably from a distance  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The poet presents his thoughts festively, on the carriage of rhythm: usually because they could not walk  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) There are men who desire power simply for the sake of the happiness it will bring; these belong chiefly to political parties  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Every high degree of power always involves a corresponding degree of freedom from good and evil  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) There is a universal need to exercise some kind of power, or to create for one’s self the appearance of some power, if only temporarily, in the form of intoxication  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The magnitude of a progress is gauged by the greatness of the sacrifice that it requires  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Wherever on earth the religious neurosis has appeared we find it tied to three dangerous dietary demands: solitude, fasting, and sexual abstinence  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Speaking generally, punishment hardens and numbs, it produces concentration, it sharpens the consciousness of alienation, it strengthens the power of resistance  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) The rights which a man arrogates to himself are relative to the duties which he sets himself, and to the tasks which he feels capable of performing  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) One must learn to love oneself with a wholesome and healthy love, so that one can bear to be with oneself and need not roam  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Anyone who has looked deeply into the world may guess how much wisdom lies in the superficiality of men. The instinct that preserves them teaches them to be flighty light, and false  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Every tradition grows continually more venerable, and the more remote its origins, the more this is lost sight of. The veneration paid the tradition accumulates from generation to generation, until it at last becomes holy and excites awe  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) What really raises one’s indignation against suffering is not suffering intrinsically, but the senselessness of suffering  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) An educator never says what he himself thinks, but only that which he thinks it is good for those whom he is educating to hear  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Most thinkers write badly, because they communicate not only their thoughts, but also the thinking of them  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) Life is a well of joy; but for those out of whom an upset stomach speaks, which is the father of melancholy, all wells are poisoned  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes) He who denies his own vanity usually possesses it in so brutal a form that he instinctively shuts his eyes to avoid the necessity of despising himself  (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
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