Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes

Text Quotes
In intercourse with scholars and artists one readily makes mistakes of opposite kinds: in a remarkable scholar one not infrequently finds a mediocre man; and often, even in a mediocre artist, one finds a very remarkable man (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
One must repay good and ill; but why just to the person who did us good or ill? (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
The advocates of a criminal are seldom artists enough to turn the beautiful terribleness of the deed to the advantage of the doer (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Everything that is profound loves the mask: the profoundest things have a hatred even of figure and likeness (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
The will to overcome an emotion, is ultimately only the will of another, or of several other, emotions (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Gradually it has become clear to me what every great philosophy so far has been: namely, the personal confession of its author and a kind of involuntary and unconscious memoir (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Even today a crude sort of persecution is all that is required to create an honorable name for any sect, no matter how indifferent in itself (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
If an architect wants to strengthen a decrepit arch, he increases the load laid upon it, for thereby the parts are joined more firmly together (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
One never dives into the water to save a drowning man more eagerly than when there are others present who dare not take the risk (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
On the heights it is warmer than people in the valley suppose, especially in winter. The thinker recognizes the full import of this simile (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
At the beginning of a marriage ask yourself whether this woman will be interesting to talk to from now until old age. Everything else in marriage is transitory: most of the time is spent in conversation (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
At times, our strengths propel us so far forward we can no longer endure our weaknesses and perish from them (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
And this do I call immaculate perception of all things: to want nothing else from them, but to be allowed to lie before them as a mirror with a hundred facets (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
As a result, nature is something entirely different from what comes to mind when we invoke its name (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute truth... Through words and concepts we shall never reach beyond the wall off relations, to some sort of fabulous primal ground of things (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
A good aphorism is too hard for the tooth of time, and is not worn away by all the centuries, although it serves as food for every epoch. Hence it is the greatest paradox in literature, the imperishable in the midst of change, the nourishment which always remains highly valued, as salt does, and never becomes stupid like salt (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Again and again I am brought up against it, and again and again I resist it: I don’t want to believe it, even though it is almost palpable: the vast majority lack an intellectual conscience; indeed, it often seems to me that to demand such a thing is to be in the most populous cities as solitary as in the desert (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Man demands truth and fulfills this demand in moral intercourse with other men; this is the basis of all social life. One anticipates the unpleasant consequences of reciprocal lying. From this there arises the duty of truth. We permit epic poets to lie because we expect no detrimental consequences in this case. Thus the lie is permitted where it is considered something pleasant. Assuming that it does no harm, the lie is beautiful and charming (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
How is freedom measured, in individuals as in nations? By the resistance which has to be overcome, by the effort it costs to stay aloft. One would have to seek the highest type of free man where the greatest resistance is constantly being overcome: five steps from tyranny, near the threshold of the danger of servitude (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Let us beware of saying there are laws in nature. There are only necessities: there is no one to command, no one to obey, no one to transgress. When you realize there are no goals or objectives, then you realize, too, that there is no chance: for only in a world of objectives does the word chance have any meaning (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it? (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Every true faith is infallible. It performs what the believing person hopes to find in it. But it does not offer the least support for the establishing of an objective truth. Here the ways of men divide. If you want to achieve peace of mind and happiness, have faith. If you want to be a disciple of truth, then search (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
A certain type of person strives to become a master over all, and to extend his force, his will to power, and to subdue all that resists it. But he encounters the power of others, and comes to an arrangement, a union, with those that are like him: thus they work together to serve the will to power. And the process goes on (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
It was the sick and decaying who despised the body and earth and invented the heavenly realm and the redemptive drops of blood: but they took even these sweet and gloomy poisons from body and earth. They wanted to escape their own misery, and the stars were too far for them (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Read from a distant star, the majuscule script of our earthly existence would perhaps lead to the conclusion that the earth was the distinctively ascetic planet, a nook of disgruntled, arrogant creatures filled with a profound disgust with themselves, at the earth, at all life, who inflict as much pain on themselves as they possibly can out of pleasure in inflicting pain which is probably their only pleasure (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
The tragedy is that we cannot believe the dogmas of religion and metaphysics if we have the strict methods of truth in heart and head, but on the other hand, we have become through the development of humanity so tenderly suffering that we need the highest kind of means of salvation and consolation: whence arises the danger that man may bleed to death through the truth that he realises (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Behold! I am weary of my wisdom, like the bee that has gathered too much honey; I need hands outstretched to take it from me. I wish to spread it and bestow it, until the wise have once more become joyous in their folly, and the poor happy in their riches (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
In his heart every man knows quite well that, being unique, he will be in the world only once and that no imaginable chance will for a second time gather together into a unity so strangely variegated an assortment as he is: he knows it but hides it like a bad conscience (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Those who know that they are profound strive for clarity. Those who would like to seem profound to the crowd strive for obscurity. For the crowd believes that if it cannot see to the bottom of something it must be profound. It is so timid and dislikes going into the water (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)
Our faith in others betrays that we would rather have faith in ourselves. Our longing for a friend is our betrayer. And often with our love we want merely to overcome envy. And often we attack and make ourselves enemies, to conceal that we are vulnerable (Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes)