Friend Quotes

Text Quotes
I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. You seem to prefer the latter (Friend Quotes)
If you’d be beloved, make yourself amiable. A true friend is the best possession (Friend Quotes)
For a shield from the storm, for a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm... I turn to you. For the strength to be strong, for the will to carry on... for everything you do, for everything thats true, I turn to you (Friend Quotes)
It is well there is no one without fault; for he would not have a friend in the world. He would seem to belong to s different species (Friend Quotes)
I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend... if you have one (Friend Quotes)
I’m not that complicated. My complications come out in my songs. All you need to do to be my friend is like me (Friend Quotes)
How I was brought up and my imaginary friend means more to me than anything you can ever say or do (Friend Quotes)
Hey, when I said work fast, I didn’t mean your friend, I meant the maid (Friend Quotes)
It is a true saying that a man must eat a peck of salt with his friend before he knows him (Friend Quotes)
Drunk with the joy of singing I forget myself and call thee friend who art my lord (Friend Quotes)
What I know for sure is that if you can survive 11 days in cramped quarters with a friend and come out laughing, your friendship is the real deal. I know ours is (Friend Quotes)
In four ways... should one who flatters be understood as a foe in the guise of a friend: He approves of his friend’s evil deeds, he disapproves his friend’s good deeds, he praises him in his presence, he speaks ill of him in his absence (Friend Quotes)
Being able to make friends and keep them, welcoming others and sharing with them, a guide, philosopher and friend. One like this will be praised (Friend Quotes)
Don’t indulge in careless behaviour. Don’t be the friend of sensual pleasures. He who meditates attentively attains abundant joy (Friend Quotes)
If the traveler cannot find master or friend to go with him, let him travel alone rather than with a fool for company (Friend Quotes)
Fear is your friend. It is an indicator. Sometimes it shows you what you shouldn’t do, more often than not it shows you what you should do (Friend Quotes)
A friend of mine was asked to a costume ball a short time ago. He slapped some egg on his face and went as a liberal economist (Friend Quotes)
The best way to know and destroy an enemy is to pretend to become his friend (Friend Quotes)
It’s the oldest, corniest piece of advice in the world but it still works. The strongest networks are built on friendship. Be a friend not only to the people in your network, but to the people who matter the most to the people in your network (Friend Quotes)
We can never replace a friend. When a man is fortunate enough to have several, he finds they are all different. No one has a double in friendship (Friend Quotes)
Treat a friend as a person who may someday become your enemy; an enemy as a person who may someday become your friend (Friend Quotes)
A generous friend gives life for a friend let’s rise above this animalistic behavior and be kind to one another (Friend Quotes)
In a letter to a friend the thought is often unimportant, and the feeling, if it be only a desire to entertain him, every thing (Friend Quotes)
Friends are like spaghetti, they should stick together. The only way to have a friend is to be one (Friend Quotes)
A friend is someone who stays by your side all through the troubles he’s caused you (Friend Quotes)
To make a friend, forgiveness is required which burns up all things, leaving only beauty; but to destroy friendship is easy (Friend Quotes)
Memory is the friend of wit, but the treacherous ally of invention; there are many books that owe their success to two things; good memory of those who write them, and the bad memory of those who read them (Friend Quotes)
When I hear that a friend has fallen into matrimony, I feel the same sorrow as if I had heard of his lapsing into theism (Friend Quotes)
Beneath the skin, beyond the differing features and into the true heart of being, fundamentally, we are more alike, my friend, than we are unalike (Friend Quotes)
America must remain freedom’s staunchest friend, for freedom is our best ally and it is the world’s only hope to conquer poverty and preserve peace (Friend Quotes)