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Friends are relatives you make for yourself

Friends are relatives you make for yourself Picture Quote #1

Friends are relatives you make for yourself

In the famous words of Eustache Deschamps, "Friends are relatives you make for yourself." This profound statement speaks to the idea that the bonds we form with our friends can be just as strong, if not stronger, than those we have with our blood relatives. Deschamps, a medieval French poet and writer, understood the importance of friendship and the impact it can have on our lives.

In medieval times, family ties were often seen as the most important relationships one could have. However, Deschamps recognized that the relationships we choose to cultivate with our friends can be just as meaningful and fulfilling. Friends are the people we choose to surround ourselves with, the ones we turn to in times of need, and the ones who support us through thick and thin. In many ways, our friends become like family to us, providing love, support, and companionship in ways that only true relatives can.

Deschamps' words also speak to the idea that we have the power to create our own family through the friendships we form. While we may not be able to choose our blood relatives, we can choose our friends, and in doing so, we create a network of people who become like family to us. These are the people we turn to for advice, comfort, and companionship, the ones who stand by us no matter what.

Furthermore, Deschamps' statement highlights the idea that true friendship is a choice. We have the power to cultivate and nurture our friendships, to invest time and effort into building strong, lasting relationships with the people we care about. In this way, our friends truly do become like relatives to us, providing us with a sense of belonging and connection that is essential to our well-being.
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