Friends provoked become the bitterest of enemies

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Friends provoked become the bitterest of enemies
In the context of Baltasar Gracian's writings, the idea that friends provoked can become the bitterest of enemies is a theme that is explored in depth. Gracian, a Spanish Jesuit and baroque prose writer, was known for his philosophical works that delved into the complexities of human relationships and the intricacies of human nature. In his writings, he often touched upon the fragility of friendships and the potential for them to turn sour when provoked.Gracian believed that true friendship was a rare and precious thing, something that should be cherished and nurtured. However, he also recognized that friendships could be easily damaged or destroyed when one party felt slighted or wronged. In his work, he often warned against the dangers of provoking a friend, as he believed that such actions could lead to irreparable harm to the relationship.
According to Gracian, when friends are provoked, they can become the bitterest of enemies because the bond of trust and mutual respect that once held them together is broken. Once a friend feels betrayed or mistreated, it can be difficult for them to forgive and forget, leading to feelings of resentment and animosity that can fester and grow over time.
Gracian also believed that friendships that are based on superficial or selfish motives are particularly vulnerable to turning sour when provoked. When friends are only interested in what they can gain from the relationship, rather than in the well-being and happiness of the other person, it is easy for misunderstandings and conflicts to arise. In such cases, even a small provocation can be enough to cause the friendship to unravel completely.