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Frightening Quotes

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As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal.  (Frightening Quotes) Humor is a terrific tool for explaining things, especially when what you’re explaining is frightening or dull and complicated.  (Frightening Quotes) It’s a frightening thing to act on your opinions. You’ve got to find confidence in yourself, not in what others think of you. I’m still trying to separate how I see myself from how I’m perceived. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.  (Frightening Quotes) It doesn’t matter what your cultural conditioning is, it falls into question under the influence of the psychedelic. And for most people that’s frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) Until you can love what is - everything, including the apparent violence and craziness - you’re separate from the world, and you’ll see it as dangerous and frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) I really enjoy spending Sunday evenings with friends, because Sunday evenings are always frightening. You are obsessed by the fact that you are working again the next day. And sometimes you get the blues. I always decide to spend it with friends. It’s very nice.  (Frightening Quotes) My father’s death, my move, and my frightening and difficult delivery created a tremendous amount of stress, pain, and sadness for me. I was practically devastated beyond recovery.  (Frightening Quotes) This death cult has no reason and is beyond negotiation. This is what makes it so frightening. This is what causes so many to engage in a sort of mental diversion. They don’t want to confront this horror. So they rush off in search of more comprehensible things to hate.  (Frightening Quotes) The things worth writing about, and the things worth reading about, are the things that feel almost beyond description at the start and are, because of that, frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) You have to have the courage to wait, to say no, ... And thats difficult. This job is very uncertain, and its frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) Comedy is frightening at first because you’re opening yourself up. When it’s just you and people hate it, you’re like, Oh God. Do they hate me?  (Frightening Quotes) When I go to photograph somebody, they say, What do you want me to do? Those are the most frightening words in the English language. I want to say, Please, go over into good light and do something unusual.  (Frightening Quotes) Most people fear pain. I’ve learned that not feeling pain is a much more frightening proposition than feeling it. In fact, there are times when I’m playing when I actually enjoy it.  (Frightening Quotes) I was eighteen, this was back in 46, so we also had these very frightening images of soldiers in the streets of Paris. So the effect of war, plus my shyness, plus my lack of education - I was afraid of men, really. It changes later, but it took me a certain time to adjust.  (Frightening Quotes) It was Ronald Reagan who used to say that the 10 most frightening words in the English language are, I’m from the federal government, and I’m here to help.  (Frightening Quotes) ISIS is not an existential threat to something happening to someone in the United States of America. It’s a serious problem overseas, but it’s confusing and frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) Over a period of 11 months, I was constantly afraid that Youth Care would lock me up. It was all a frightening and traumatic experience. So often, these terrible memories come to me. I can’t ignore them.  (Frightening Quotes) I know all’s fair in love and war but when you go off and try to be by yourself and it ends up on the front page of the press it’s frightening, knowing your life is under such scrutiny.  (Frightening Quotes) There is something endearing about people who give themselves up completely to their faith. But there is likewise something frightening about such a totality, which also is a feature of Islam.  (Frightening Quotes) It’s frightening, the way life speeds up. When you’re at school, time can’t go fast enough.  (Frightening Quotes) I like the Polanski stuff more than anything else. Rosemary’s Baby is still one of my favorite movies of all time. The idea of her being impregnated with the devil is just so frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) Kids love to be scared; we all do. But there’s a difference between leaving them hanging out there, with their fears, and then bringing them safely home. Kids love it when someone like them stands up against real evil, something really horrendous and frightening, and win.  (Frightening Quotes) People are supposed to fear the unknown, but ignorance is bliss when knowledge is so damn frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) Unworthiness is the inmost frightening thought that you do not belong, no matter how much you want to belong, that you are an outsider and will always be an outsider. It is the idea that you are flawed and cannot be fixed. It is wanting to be loved and feeling unlovable, or wanting to love and feeling that you are not capable of loving.  (Frightening Quotes) My first encounter with the ocean was on the Jersey Shore when I was three years old and I got knocked over by a wave. The ocean certainly got my attention! It wasn’t frightening, it was more exhilarating.  (Frightening Quotes) To be anywhere near an enormous ocean liner when you are just like a fish in the water is frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) It can be frightening to turn your back on what others think is right. But I’m not the same as a lot of people - I’m quite artistic and quite eccentric sometimes. If you honour that, you fit into yourself better - and people accept you for what you are.  (Frightening Quotes) The more freedom I allow myself as a writer to wander, become lost and go into uncertain territory - and I am always trying to go to the more awkward place, the more difficult place - the more frightening it is, because I have no plan.  (Frightening Quotes) I’ve wanted to write a ghost story for years, and my main aim was to write the most frightening ghost story that I could think of.  (Frightening Quotes) Israel knew that there was no greater gift than to be given God’s name, but that gift was a frightening reality that threatened to consume her. Israel, who would be tempted by the idolatrous presumption she possessed God’s name, rightly never forgot she could not say God’s name.  (Frightening Quotes)
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