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Frightening Quotes

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Well, very splendid and very frightening. But splendid things are often frightening. Sometimes, it’s the fright that makes them splendid at all  (Frightening Quotes) But if I lost you, it would devastate me as nothing else has or ever could. You have so much power over me and that’s frightening  (Frightening Quotes) People are supposed to fear the unknown, but ignorance is bliss when knowledge is so damn frightening  (Frightening Quotes) I might be in the basement. I’ll go upstairs and check. We adore chaos because we love to produce order. I don’t use drugs; my dreams are frightening enough  (Frightening Quotes) The frightening thought that what you draw may become a building makes for reasoned lines  (Frightening Quotes) Women are frightening. If you get to 41 as a man, you’re quite battle - scarred  (Frightening Quotes) The Cylons are such a frightening concept - not knowing who is real. No way  (Frightening Quotes) I don’t think Hollywood per se is supposed to be taken seriously, otherwise, dear Lord, that would be frightening  (Frightening Quotes) The male image has been so pulled down by situation comedy in the last 15 years, it is frightening. I don’t like what has happened to the American male  (Frightening Quotes) They played so good it was frightening. And I, of course, being young, was in awe of everything that was going on and rightly so. I mean, it was too good to believe  (Frightening Quotes) A good part - and definitely the most fun part - of being a feminist is about frightening men  (Frightening Quotes) Man can be an atheist only in theory, not in practice, because the universe is too frightening and too chaotic to be too independent  (Frightening Quotes) Call me an alarmist, but we are witnessing the beginning of the most frightening period of government tyranny in our nation’s history  (Frightening Quotes) I think society has become more and more immune to reality television which is the most frightening thing in the world to me  (Frightening Quotes) Living in New York, I get excited by the idea of working in a different medium. And it’s pretty frightening because whatever skills it takes to make a good piece of theater seem mysterious to me  (Frightening Quotes) The only thing we all agree on, virtually every poet in this country, is that this Administration is really frightening, and we want something done about it  (Frightening Quotes) Most of the news about the state of the environment is pretty ugly. This is frightening for me personally, but actually motivational for me artistically  (Frightening Quotes) It’s absurd that we’re so quick to criticize Muslims for being fundamentalist when Christians can be just as extreme and fanatical and frightening  (Frightening Quotes) Death is losing its terror. It is the emergency exit for a world that is becoming more frightening death ever was  (Frightening Quotes) Life without oil, in fact, would be so different that it is frightening to contemplate. We are addicted, and it is no comfortable addiction  (Frightening Quotes) The genres change but all of my stories feature ordinary people thrown into frightening, life-altering situations  (Frightening Quotes) In some roles you do get into a mode of terror. It’s always very frightening - the first audiences are frightening  (Frightening Quotes) Patricia Smith is one of the best poets around and has been for a long time. Her Blood Dazzler is full of capacious soul and formal inventiveness: the compassion and artfulness necessary to capture the tragedies and Tragedy of Katrina. Smith is herself a storm of beautiful, frightening talent. Her words will wash you or wash you away. I consider this new book a major literary event  (Frightening Quotes) Fathers have a special excitement about them that babies find intriguing. At this time in his life an infant counts on his motherfor rootedness and anchoring. He can count on his father to be just different enough from a mother. Fathers embody a delicious mixture of familiarity and novelty. They are novel without being strange or frightening  (Frightening Quotes) There has been in our time a lack of reliance on language and a lack of experimentation which are frightening to anyone who sees them as symptoms. We know the phenomenon of stage-fright: it holds the player shivering, incapable of speech or action. Perhaps there is an audience-fright which the play can feel, which leaves him with these incapacities  (Frightening Quotes) Art is frightening. Art isn’t pretty. Art isn’t painting. Art isn’t something you hang on the wall. Art is what we do when we’re truly alive. An artist is someone who uses bravery, insight, creativity, and boldness to challenge the status quo. And an artist takes it (all of it, the work, the process, the feedback from those we seek to connect with) personally  (Frightening Quotes) For the most part, magic secrets are available on a level that’s overwhelming and frightening, and they are very accessible if you do the tiniest bit of digging. But, that said, there’s a certain group of individuals, in which I am included, who are very tight about secrets and don’t share them with anyone  (Frightening Quotes) We are a profoundly interconnected species, as the global economic and ecological crises reveal in vivid and frightening detail. We must embrace the simple fact that we are dependent on and accountable to one another  (Frightening Quotes) I’m not saying you have to keep up. But at the moment you choose to stop growing, your world will begin to shrink. You’ll be able to communicate with fewer people, especially the young. You will only see reruns. You will not understand how to pay for things. The outside world will become a frightening and unpredictable place  (Frightening Quotes) Eventually, if your career goes higher and higher, that’s just how it is, but it’s a little frightening. When I was younger and I thought about being an actor, I thought of the old Hollywood style of glamour, and that was so beautiful and appealing to me. Now, if you want to be an actor, it’s not the same  (Frightening Quotes)
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