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Frightening Quotes

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Handling a dead body is not a repugnant or frightening experience and, somehow, it helps to accept the fact that the soul of that person has gone if you treat the body with reverence and respect before it is finally disposed of by cremation or burial  (Frightening Quotes) Rosemary’s Baby’ is still one of my favorite movies of all time. The idea of her being impregnated with the devil is just so frightening. I’m actually going to work on a movie in February, called ‘Mercy,’ from Jason Blum, who produced the ‘Paranormal Activity’ movies, and there is a similar theme to ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ in the movie.  (Frightening Quotes) Fiction that isn’t an author’s personal adventure into the frightening or the unknown isn’t worth writing for anything but money.  (Frightening Quotes) Cervical cancer doesn’t discriminate by how much money you have. The disease affects so many - it’s frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) The secret to being unafraid of the darkness is to challenge the darkness to fear you, to raise your eyes sharp to those few souls who stagger by, daring them to believe that you are not, in fact, more frightening than they are.  (Frightening Quotes) But they never last, the golden days. And it can be sad, the sun in the afternoon, can’t it? Yes, it can be sad, the afternoon sun, sad and frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) The reason I always loved ‘The Omen’ so much, and what has always been scariest to me, is anything to do with God. Anything to do with God is quite frightening because fear is something that’s very much expressed in a church environment, and I grew up in one. And the fear of God was very much instilled me at a very young age.  (Frightening Quotes) Without my mother’s ambition, her drive, I doubt that on my own I would have pushed myself out of Pozzuoli and into the frightening world that was faraway Rome.  (Frightening Quotes) One of the most frightening things, I think, is the capacity for retroactive searching, so you can go back in time and trace who someone is in contact with and where they’ve been.  (Frightening Quotes) We have three daughters, our own. And, of course, there’s nothing more frightening than something bad happening to them. And also, the thought of our children turning bad in some ways is another frightening thought.  (Frightening Quotes) In the older folklore, faeries were frightening beings. In fact, it was such a bad idea to get their attention that people would use flattering euphemisms for them, such as ‘the people of peace,’ ‘the little people,’ and ‘the good neighbors.’  (Frightening Quotes) Women are frightening. If you get to 41 as a man, you’re quite battle-scarred.  (Frightening Quotes) Beauty can be found in the most frightening of places. You just have to be open to the possibility that in truth, there’s nothing to fear.  (Frightening Quotes) It would be too frightening for me to consider myself a role model. But I like the idea of not being afraid of letting your imagination rule you, to feel the freedom of expression, to let creativity be your overwhelming drive rather than other things.  (Frightening Quotes) When you’re used to being healthy and strong and vibrant and everything and then - bang - overnight you’re desperately ill, it’s frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) It’s frightening to think that you mark your children merely by being yourself. It seems unfair. You can’t assume the responsibility for everything you do --or don’t do.  (Frightening Quotes) I’ve never done acid, finding it hard to go willingly to a place that could be frightening, hellish, and totally beyond my control. A place much like high school.  (Frightening Quotes) At 50, I thought proudly: Here we are, half century! Being 60 was fairly frightening. You want to know how I spent my 70th birthday? I put on a completely black face, a fuzzy black Afro wig, wore black clothes and hung a black wreath on my door.  (Frightening Quotes) I’m quite British; I’ve got big, flat feet, and I can’t wear heels. I’ve got very, very pale Celtic skin, so my legs are always a frightening blue color. So when you take out clothes that reveal your legs, shoes that have any kind of heel, no shop will actually take my money.  (Frightening Quotes) There’s only one thing more frightening than being asked to do a book tour, and that’s not being asked to do a book tour.  (Frightening Quotes) Writing can be a frightening, distressing business, and whatever kind of structure or buffer is available can help a lot.  (Frightening Quotes) Teen authors love to flirt with taboo, to grapple - sensitively - with dark and frightening issues, and there is nothing darker and more frightening than cancer.  (Frightening Quotes) When I first drove my car down Sunset Strip, I nearly crashed my car gazing at the monolithic ads of various celebrities. They are bigger than King Kong, and more frightening.  (Frightening Quotes) Shooting Willoughby carrying Marianne up the path. ... Male strength -- the desire to be cradled again? ... I’d love someone to pick me up and carry me off. Frightening. Lindsay assures me I’d start to fidget after a while. She’s such a comfort.  (Frightening Quotes) Periods of change are full of paradoxes. They’re difficult but exciting, frightening but freeing. Letting go of old patterns that no longer work for us is exhilarating.  (Frightening Quotes) Working with great writers can be humbling and frightening, but it can also change you for good, forever.  (Frightening Quotes) Some of your childhood traumas may be remembered with incredible clarity, while others are so frightening or incomprehensible that your conscious mind buries the memory in your unconscious.  (Frightening Quotes) Joining a new church and starting a new life is never easy and often frightening  (Frightening Quotes) In the 1970s in New York, everyone slept till noon. It was a grungy, dangerous, bankrupt city without normal services most of the time. The garbage piled up and stank during long strikes by the sanitation workers. A major blackout led to days and days of looting. The city seemed either frightening or risible to the rest of the nation.  (Frightening Quotes) I think. as a child, there’s something frightening about certain adults, particularly when you’re in their clutches or power. That must be the reason why Roald Dahl creates such brilliant characters: He taps into something in the collective memory of people.  (Frightening Quotes)
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