From The Heart Quotes

Text Quotes
This organ deserves to be styled the starting point of life and the sun of our microcosm just as much as the sun deserves to be styled the heart of the world. For it is by the heart’s vigorous beat that the blood is moved, perfected, activated, and protected from injury and coagulation. The heart is the tutelary deity of the body, the basis of life, the source of all things, carrying out its function of nourishing, warming, and activating body as a whole. But we shall more fittingly speak of these matters when we consider the final cause of this kind of movement (From The Heart Quotes)
The heart of mathematics consists of concrete examples and concrete problems. Big general theories are usually afterthoughts based on small but profound insights; the insights themselves come from concrete special cases (From The Heart Quotes)
What, after all, is mathematics but the poetry of the mind, and what is poetry but the mathematics of the heart? (From The Heart Quotes)
I’d like to think that when I sing a song, I can let you know all about the heartbreak, struggle, lies and kicks in the ass I’ve gotten over the years for being black and everything else, without actually saying a word about it (From The Heart Quotes)
Green strongly influences the heart and helps alleviate tension. Positive qualities associated with green are generosity, humility, and cooperation. Foods of the green vibration are all green fruits and green vegetables (From The Heart Quotes)
You shouldn’t run away from your problems, you need to aim straight for the heart of the beast (From The Heart Quotes)
We must begin by admitting that people and situations do not cause us to speak as we do. Our hearts control our words. People and situations simply provide the occasion for the heart to express itself (From The Heart Quotes)
Qualifications of a pastor: the mind of a scholar, the heart of a child, and the hide of a rhinoceros (From The Heart Quotes)
Every particle of the world is a mirror. In each atom blazes forth the light of a thousand suns. Open the heart of a raindrop and you will find a hundred oceans. In a grain of sand lies the seed of a thousand beings (From The Heart Quotes)
It is at the heart of our human enterprise, that is to say, at the heart of society, to allow consensus a power it ought not to have (From The Heart Quotes)
Maybe heaven entailed more than a soul residing in a single place, but instead having pieces of yourself spread among the hearts and memories of people you’ve touched (From The Heart Quotes)
The heart of a virtuous person has settled down and he does not rush about at things. A person of little merit is not at peace but walks about making trouble and is in conflict with all (From The Heart Quotes)
It is secular spiritual music, the gospel blues. It’s music from the heart instead of the head (From The Heart Quotes)
In many tribal cultures, it was said that if the boys were not initiated into manhood, if they were not shaped by the skills and love of elders, then they would destroy the culture. If the fires that innately burn inside youths are not intentionally and lovingly added to the hearth of community, they will burn down the structures of culture, just to feel the warmth (From The Heart Quotes)
Childrens books change lives. Stories pour into the hearts of children and help make them what they become (From The Heart Quotes)
Part of the heartache of all missionary work is the bright promising convert who turns out to be a mere puffball, crumbling like a macaroon under the least pressure (From The Heart Quotes)
Blessed the one who meditates on death each day and destroys the base passions lurking in the vines of the heart, for he will be consoled in the moment of separation (From The Heart Quotes)
Don’t instill, or allow anybody else to instill into the hearts of your girls the idea that marriage is the chief end of life. If you do, don’t be surprised if they get engaged to the first empty, useless fool they come across (From The Heart Quotes)
I distrust speech therapy. Words are the language of lies and evasions. Music cannot lie. Music talks to the heart (From The Heart Quotes)
Indeed our words will remain lifeless, barren, devoid of any passion, until we die as a result of these words, whereupon our words will suddenly spring to life and live amongst the hearts that are dead, bringing them to life as well (From The Heart Quotes)
True love isn’t reserved for weddings and ceremonies. It’s from the heart. That’s all it has to be. All it ever is (From The Heart Quotes)
For the joy of ear and eye, for the heart and mind’s delight, for the mystic harmony, linking sense to sound and sight; Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise (From The Heart Quotes)
If the heart wanders or is distracted, bring it back to the point quite gently... And even if you did nothing during the whole of your hour but bring your heart back, though it went away every time you brought it back, your hour would be very well employed (From The Heart Quotes)
Most of us need to be reminded that we are good, that we are lovable, that we belong. If we knew just how powerfully our thoughts, words, and actions affected the hearts of those around us, we’d reach out and join hands again and again. Our relationships have the potential to be a sacred refuge, a place of healing and awakening. With each person we meet, we can learn to look behind the mask and see the one who longs to love and be loved (From The Heart Quotes)
Gratitude takes three forms: a feeling in the heart, an expression in words, and a giving in return (From The Heart Quotes)
Trees are right at the heart of all the necessary debates: ecological, social, economic, political, moral, religious (From The Heart Quotes)
No true manhood can be trained by a merely intellectual process. You cannot train men by the intellect alone; you must train them by the heart (From The Heart Quotes)
When men do not run they are likely to die prematurely from dysfunction of the heart and vascular systems or from disabling chronic disease (From The Heart Quotes)
Falling in love for the first time, and then the heartbreak of having it end, is difficult, but I don’t think it would ever hurt as much as when my mother was killed in the boating accident. I feel a part of my heart has already been broken, and that place is reserved for mother (From The Heart Quotes)
The heart is a muscle, and you strengthen muscles by using them. The more I lead with my heart, the stronger it gets (From The Heart Quotes)