From The Heart Quotes

Text Quotes
It is with the soul that we grasp the essence of another human being, not with the mind, nor even with the heart (From The Heart Quotes)
You can’t look at someone with your eyes and take their measure. You have to look with the heart (From The Heart Quotes)
He knew enough of the world to know that there is nothing in it better than the faithful service of the heart (From The Heart Quotes)
The whole purport of literature... is the notation of the heart. Style is but the faintly contemptible vessel in which the bitter liquid is recommended to the world (From The Heart Quotes)
She worked in order to live, and presently fell in love, also in order to live, for the heart, too, has its hunger (From The Heart Quotes)
People die of broken hearts. They have heart attacks. And it’s the heart that hurts most when things go wrong and fall apart (From The Heart Quotes)
Too often we take notes on writing, we think about writing but never do it. I want you to walk into the heart of the storm, written words dripping off hair, eyelids, hanging from hands (From The Heart Quotes)
There are moments when the heart is generous, and then it knows that for better or worse our lives are woven together here, one with one another and with the place and all the living things (From The Heart Quotes)
Trust your instincts, and make judgements on what your heart tells you. The heart will not betray you (From The Heart Quotes)
Only three things are infinite. The sky in its stars, the sea in its drops of water, and the heart in its tears (From The Heart Quotes)
Did you think that rats do not have hearts? Wrong. All living things have a heart. And the heart of any living thing can be broken (From The Heart Quotes)
Darling girl, blinded by foolish thoughts of love. How to tell her that the hearts of men were not so easily won. If won, rarely kept (From The Heart Quotes)
People could push and pull at you, and poke you, and probe as deep as they could go. They could even tear you apart, bit by bit. But at the heart and root and soul of you, something would remain untouched (From The Heart Quotes)
These are the quicksilver moments of my childhood I cannot remember entirely. Irresistible and emblematic, I can recall them only in fragments and shivers of the heart (From The Heart Quotes)
Wealth, my son, should never be your goal in life. Your words are eloquent but they are mere words. True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse (From The Heart Quotes)
We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together (From The Heart Quotes)
He can love the shape of human beings, the fine and twisted shapes of the heart. It is good to have among us such men, such balancing monsters of love (From The Heart Quotes)
Losing prepares you for the heartbreak, setback, and the tragedy that you will encounter in the world more than winning ever can. By licking your wounds you learn how to avoid getting wounded the next time (From The Heart Quotes)
Then as now, evil begins its courtship cloaked in light. And the heart embraces what is should flee. Forgetting it once had a true lover. Love will prove greater than lust. Sacrifice will overcome seduction. And blood will flow (From The Heart Quotes)
Until we have met the monsters in ourselves, we keep trying to slay them in the outer world. And we find that we cannot. For all darkness in the world stems from darkness in the heart. And it is there that we must do our work (From The Heart Quotes)
When we protect ourselves so we won’t feel pain, that protection becomes like armor, like armor that imprisons the softness of of the heart (From The Heart Quotes)
Home is where the heart is, home is where the fart is. Come let us fart in the home. There is no art in a fart. Still a fart may not be artless. Let us fart and artless fart in the home (From The Heart Quotes)
The heart of creativity is an experience of the mystical union; the heart of the mystical union is an experience of creativity (From The Heart Quotes)
... every person has a star, every star has a friend, and for every person carrying a star there is someone else who reflects it, and everyone carries this reflection like a secret confidante in the heart (From The Heart Quotes)
Secrets of the heart. We swallow hard against them every day, forcing them deep inside us. There they sit, growing heavier, festering. Given enough time, they cannot help but crush the heart that holds them (From The Heart Quotes)
Excessive caution destroys the soul and the heart, because living is an act of courage, and an act of courage is always an act of love (From The Heart Quotes)
Words have power. The power to soothe. The power to skewer someone through the heart. The power to render someone speechless (From The Heart Quotes)
The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too (From The Heart Quotes)
Remember that time slurs over everything, let all deeds fade, blurs all writings and kills all memories. Exempt are only those which dig into the hearts of men by love (From The Heart Quotes)
When you reach the heart of life you shall find beauty in all things, even in the eyes that are blind to beauty (From The Heart Quotes)