From thee, great God: we spring, to thee we tend, path, motive, guide, original, and end

From thee, great God: we spring, to thee we tend, path, motive, guide, original, and end
Samuel Johnson, the renowned English writer and lexicographer, was a man of deep faith and conviction. His belief in the existence of a higher power, a great God, was a central tenet of his worldview. Johnson saw the hand of God in all aspects of life, from the smallest details to the grandest designs of the universe. In his famous quote, "From thee, great God: we spring, to thee we tend, path, motive, guide, original, and end," Johnson encapsulates his belief in the divine origin and ultimate destination of all things.For Johnson, God was not just a distant, abstract concept, but a living presence that guided and inspired him in his daily life. He saw God as the source of all goodness and truth, the ultimate path and guide for humanity. In his view, everything in the world, from the tiniest blade of grass to the most complex human society, was a reflection of God's wisdom and benevolence.
Johnson believed that human beings were created in the image of God, with the capacity for reason, morality, and creativity. He saw God as the original source of all that is good and noble in human nature, and believed that it was our duty to strive towards the divine ideal in all aspects of our lives. For Johnson, God was not just a distant figure to be worshipped, but a living presence that inspired and guided us towards our ultimate end.
In his writings, Johnson often grappled with the complexities of human nature and the challenges of living a virtuous life in a fallen world. He saw God as the ultimate source of moral guidance and strength, and believed that it was only through a deep and abiding faith in God that we could overcome our weaknesses and achieve true happiness and fulfillment.