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Fuelled Quotes

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From a very young age, stories fuelled my imagination in the most wonderful way  (Fuelled Quotes) I’d listen to all the stuff that was going on around me and drift off into my fantasies about it. My fantasies have fuelled all the songs I’ve ever written  (Fuelled Quotes) Stop looking outside for help. You’re sourced and fuelled and funded by a renewable resource, which is within you. It never runs out. It is your Essence. It’s your life  (Fuelled Quotes) Events in America show the extent to which democracy there is fuelled by populism - Barack Obama’s victory is a manifestation not of Washington’s need for change, but of America’s. That is not how democracy works in England.  (Fuelled Quotes) Inspiring passion in children for books, and the world of imagination and creativity fuelled by them, is a fundamental reason for why the Children’s Laureate post exists.  (Fuelled Quotes)