Fulfillment Quotes

Text Quotes
My life has been a continuous fulfillment of dreams. It appears that everything I saw and did has a new, and perhaps, more significant meaning, every time I see it. The earth is good. It is a privilege to live thereon (Fulfillment Quotes)
The adequate study of culture, our own and those on the opposite side of the globe, can press on to fulfillment only as we learn today from the humanities as well as from the scientists (Fulfillment Quotes)
Plant the seed of desire in your mind and it forms a nucleus with power to attract to itself everything needed for its fulfillment (Fulfillment Quotes)
This was all the inspiration it took: We put 100 percent of ourselves in the lines. We personally take care of everything, from fulfillment to answering the mail (Fulfillment Quotes)
I don’t know what its like for most actors, but really clearly for myself acting has always been the fulfillment of personal fantasies. It isn’t just art, its about being a person I’ve always wanted to be, or being in a situation, or being a hero (Fulfillment Quotes)
The benefits to the mother of immediate breastfeeding are innumerable, not the least of which after the weariness of labor and birth is the emotional gratification, the feeling of strength, the composure, and the sense of fulfillment that comes with the handling and suckling of the baby (Fulfillment Quotes)
Even in a gleefully negative comic, there is optimism, although it’s slightly hidden: It comes out through a comic character’s sheer tenacity. He keeps going and trying to find some sort of fulfillment regardless of his perpetual failure record. That’s a form of hope, a form of optimism. Really hokey I know, but it’s true (Fulfillment Quotes)
We are all individuals. I can’t eat for you and you can’t eat for me. I can’t sleep for you and you can sleep for me. We are absolutely all individuals. When our purpose is fulfilled, it feels beautiful. That is, to me, the feeling of fulfillment (Fulfillment Quotes)
If we have youth, beauty, blessed gifts, strength, if we find fame, fortune, favor, fulfillment, it is easy to be nice, to turn a warm heart to the world (Fulfillment Quotes)
A broken heart is a monument to a love that will never die; fulfillment is a monument to a love that is already on its deathbed (Fulfillment Quotes)
Until we know what motivates the hearts and minds of men we can understand nothing outside ourselves, nor will we ever reach fulfillment as that greatest miracle of all, the human being (Fulfillment Quotes)
There is the kiss of welcome and of parting, the long, lingering, loving, present one; the stolen, or the mutual one; the kiss of love, of joy, and of sorrow; the seal of promise and receipt of fulfillment (Fulfillment Quotes)
I believe that around us there is only one word on all sides, one immense word which reveals our solitude and extinguishes our radiance: Nothing! I believe that that word does not point to our insignificance or our unhappiness, but on the contrary to our fulfillment and our divinity, since everything is in ourselves (Fulfillment Quotes)
If we could only live the way we know deep down we should, we would guarantee ourselves a life of richness and fulfillment (Fulfillment Quotes)
Could fulfillment ever be felt as deeply as loss? Romantically she decided that love must surely reside in the gap between desire and fulfillment, in the lack, not the contentment. Love was the ache, the anticipation, the retreat, everything around it but the emotion itself (Fulfillment Quotes)
Don’t ask me why I obsessively look to rock ‘n’ roll bands for some kind of model for a better society. I guess it’s just that I glimpsed something beautiful in a flashbulb moment once, and perhaps mistaking it for prophecy have been seeking its fulfillment ever since (Fulfillment Quotes)
There was a redemption of some kind, he believed, in such complete fulfillment of a desire so long deferred (Fulfillment Quotes)
It almost seems as though this roiling world is conspiring to test our patience at every turn. In fact, it is. With this in mind, we would be wise to look on our imperfect environment as a teacher rather than an antagonist. It constantly shows us that we need to be patient on an ongoing basis, not just every now and then, if we´re going to realize true inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment (Fulfillment Quotes)
Over and over again, stories in women’s magazines insist that women can know fulfillment only at the moment of giving birth to a child. They deny the years when she can no longer look forward to giving birth, even if she repeats the act over and over again. In the feminine mystique, there is no other way for a woman to dream of creation or of the future. There is no other way she can even dream about herself, except as her children’s mother, her husband’s wife (Fulfillment Quotes)
When we define our happiness by some point in the future, it will never arrive. We’ll keep waiting until tomorrow. If we allow impatience to govern us, we will miss the gift of the moment. We’ll arrive at that point in time we expected to provide fulfillment and find it lacking (Fulfillment Quotes)
I’ve observed over and over that people seem to get a much deeper sense of fulfillment out of something they’ve done as an act of service than out of the things they do for themselves (Fulfillment Quotes)
Happiness is a state of inner fulfillment, not the gratification of inexhaustible desires for outward things (Fulfillment Quotes)
The essence of spirituality is the duty to live to its full the glorious destiny of being human. The purpose of religion should be to empower all people in this adventure of living with dignity and fulfillment (Fulfillment Quotes)
Our fulfillment is not in our isolated human grandeur, but in our intimacy with the larger earth community, for this is also the larger dimension of our being (Fulfillment Quotes)
After the demands of the ego and its greed surrendered, the struggle for fulfillment of personal desires lessens; life takes on a new zest like a breath of fresh air (Fulfillment Quotes)
Sports create a bond between comtemporaries that lasts a lifetime. It also gives your life structure, discipline and a genuine, sincere, pure fulfillment that few other areas of endeavor provide (Fulfillment Quotes)
The meaning that we are seeking in evolution is its meaning to us, to man. The ethics of evolution must be human ethics. It is one of the many unique qualities of man, the new sort of animal, that he is the only ethical animal. The ethical need and its fulfillment are also products of evolution, but they have been produced in man alone (Fulfillment Quotes)
I think service to others is the real key to winning our own personal freedom and the road to our own happiness, our own personal contentment and fulfillment (Fulfillment Quotes)
All obstacles now vanish from my pathway. Doors fly open, gates are lifted and I enter the kingdom of fulfillment, under grace (Fulfillment Quotes)
What man really seeks is not perfection which is in the future, but fulfillment which is ever in the present (Fulfillment Quotes)