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Full moon rises. You change. You need what you need, so you do what you do. The kill - like the show - must go on

Full moon rises. You change. You need what you need, so you do what you do. The kill - like the show - must go on Picture Quote #1

Full moon rises. You change. You need what you need, so you do what you do. The kill - like the show - must go on

In the world of Glen Duncan's novels, the full moon rising signifies a transformation for certain characters. It is a time when their primal instincts take over, and they are consumed by a need that cannot be ignored. This need drives them to do things that they would never consider in their human form. The full moon is a powerful symbol of this transformation, as it represents the peak of their animalistic urges.

When the full moon rises, these characters change. They become something other than human, something wild and untamed. They are driven by a hunger that cannot be satisfied by anything other than what they desire. This hunger leads them to do what they must in order to fulfill their needs. They become hunters, seeking out their prey with a single-minded determination.

The kill, like the show, must go on. This phrase encapsulates the idea that these characters must continue to feed their primal urges, no matter the consequences. They are driven by a force that is beyond their control, and they must act on it in order to survive. The kill is not just about taking a life, but about satisfying a deep-seated need that cannot be ignored.
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