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Superfluous words simply spill out when the mind is already full  (Full Quotes) When you have depression simply existing is a full time job  (Full Quotes) A full bosom is actually a millstone around a woman’s neck  (Full Quotes) Full of hopes beyond their power though not beyond their ambition  (Full Quotes) Youth yearns to youth, full blood loves full blood only  (Full Quotes) Love could never come to full fruition till it was destroyed  (Full Quotes) As an artist, you reach for the pen that’s full of blood  (Full Quotes) The abyss is full of reality, the abyss experiences itself, the abyss is alive  (Full Quotes) Forget bad deeds, even the good we do are full of mistakes  (Full Quotes) Speech is often barren; but silence also does not necessarily brood over a full nest  (Full Quotes) Life is full of amusement to an amusing man  (Full Quotes) When love is full grown it has few words, and sometimes it growls them out  (Full Quotes) Paradise is full of idiots who believe it exists  (Full Quotes) People hunger for more attention. Full attention will be the aphrodisiac of the future  (Full Quotes) The subtlest lie of all is the full truth  (Full Quotes) Tomorrows were full of awful things. Today, now, was the essential  (Full Quotes) If you laugh, think, and cry; that’s a full day  (Full Quotes) The first prerequisite of elaborate mental exercise was a full stomach  (Full Quotes) A writer who obtains his full purpose loses himself in his own lustre  (Full Quotes) Launch your boat, blessed youth, and flee at full speed from every form of culture  (Full Quotes) Life is full of temporary situations, ultimately ending in a permanent solution  (Full Quotes) You’re so full of crap, you could pass for a toilet  (Full Quotes) Life is full of many minor annoyances, and few matters of real consequence  (Full Quotes) I had to give it a full go and see what happened  (Full Quotes) Im a popcorn fanatic. No matter how full I am, I can eat popcorn  (Full Quotes) Hate is holding back humanity from its full potential  (Full Quotes) Almost all women have hearts full of pity  (Full Quotes) The spring is already here with her hands full of flowers  (Full Quotes) Superfluous advice is not retained by the full mind  (Full Quotes) The budding rose above the rose full blown  (Full Quotes)
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