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Why do we go around acting as though everything was friendship and reliability when basically everything everywhere is full of sudden hate and ugliness?  (Full Quotes) You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk  (Full Quotes) I personally think you can have a really rich and full life with no abs. Abs are for wimps  (Full Quotes) For a seriously autistic kid, the best prognosis might be getting into a mainstream school without being too much of a shadow. For a moderately autistic kid the best prognosis is full recovery  (Full Quotes) As long as I can still be on my own and do my own thing and be working full time, it’s great  (Full Quotes) By giving the public a rich and full melody, distinctly arranged and well played, all the time creating new tone colors and patterns, I feel we have a better chance of being successful. I want a kick to my band, but I don’t want the rhythm to hog the spotlight  (Full Quotes) I got cocky and I stopped taking my vitamins. It was an inconvenience to have a suitcase full of vitamins with me on the road. About two years ago, it caught up with me  (Full Quotes) It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising the sovereignty. Usurpation is then an easy attainment, and a usurper soon found. The people themselves become the willing instruments of their own debasement and ruin. Let us, then, look to the great cause, and endeavor to preserve it in full force. Let us by all wise and constitutional measures promote intelligence among the people as the best means of preserving our liberties  (Full Quotes) Now I can walk into a room full of people I don’t know and do my job. That’s quite a massive thing to learn, I think  (Full Quotes) If you guys are going to be throwing beer bottles at us, at least make sure they’re full  (Full Quotes) Alas! Alas! Life is full of disappointments; as one reaches one ridge there is always another and a higher one beyond which blocks the view  (Full Quotes) I’ve just taken the decision that I’m going to now go full time back into the theater  (Full Quotes) If every year is a marble, how many marbles do you have left? How many sunrises, how many opportunities to rise to the full stature of your being?  (Full Quotes) My parents couldn’t afford a full time drama school, but I basically just did every class I could do, and followed every drama interest I could. When I was 15 or 16 I did drama courses  (Full Quotes) Today a minimum wage earner has to work a day and a half just to pay for a full tank of gas. That is simply shameful  (Full Quotes) One of the great penalties those of us who live our lives in full view of the public must pay is the loss of that most cherished birthright of man’s, privacy  (Full Quotes) I remember that, although I was full of fervour, I didn’t have the slightest inkling, even at forty, of the deeper side to the movement we were pursuing by instinct. It was in the air!  (Full Quotes) As long as my body is in shape, my mind is working at its full capacity  (Full Quotes) No place is boring, if you’ve had a good night’s sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film  (Full Quotes) The telephone book is full of facts, but it doesn’t contain a single idea  (Full Quotes) I am the one who got myself fat, who did all the eating. So I had to take full responsibility for it  (Full Quotes) The silent film has a lot of meanings. The first part of the film is comic. It represents the burlesque feel of those silent films. But I think that the second part of the film is full of tenderness and emotion  (Full Quotes) Indeed in the full flush of journalistic passion and conviction I once told an interviewer that of course I would never get married. And I most definitely would never have children  (Full Quotes) Performance art is about joy, about making something that’s so full of kind of a wild joy that you really can’t put into words  (Full Quotes) I felt ashamed for what I had done. I don’t have any excuses. I did what I did. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions. I wouldn’t pawn this off on anybody. I’m sorry it happened. And I hurt people  (Full Quotes) I never do a full outline, and if I did, I would not feel bound to it, because the view from inside a scene can be different from the view outside it. But neither do I just start writing and see what happens; I am far more disciplined than that  (Full Quotes) I got things like the lotus position long before anybody else did, or at least in the mainstream. But I had fun. I guess my legs are pretty flexible, so I used to get a kick out of doing things like that. I would get into a full lotus with my legs and then roll around  (Full Quotes) The old man, of whom we know how he has become what he is, is more of an individual than the young man; for it is only in the course of an eventful life that men are differentiated into full individuality  (Full Quotes) Do not be misled by what you see around you, or be influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is a playground of illusion, full of false paths, false values and false ideals. But you are not part of that world  (Full Quotes) I am inclined to attach some importance to the new system of manufacturing; and venture to throw it out with the hope of its receiving a full discussion among those who are most interestedin the subject  (Full Quotes)
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