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It seems to me that any full grown, mature adult would have a desire to be responsible, to help where he can in a world that needs so very much, that threatens us so very much  (Full Quotes) History, like a vast river, propels logs, vegetation, rafts, and debris; it is full of live and dead things, some destined for resurrection; it mingles many waters and holds in solution invisible substances stolen from distant soils  (Full Quotes) If you wish a general to be beaten, send him a ream full of instructions; if you wish him to succeed, give him a destination, and bid him conquer  (Full Quotes) My life is full of mistakes. They’re like pebbles that make a good road  (Full Quotes) At night, when the sky is full of stars and the sea is still you get the wonderful sensation that you are floating in space  (Full Quotes) Why should I tell you where I am going to get funds from? If I were to do that then all the vested interests would get alerted. You must be aware that railways are full of such elements and my fight is against them  (Full Quotes) I have a lot of cooking tools. In fact I have a whole drawer full of knives. Cooking tools, especially cutlery, are my toys  (Full Quotes) A brave world, sir, full of religion, knavery, and change: we shall shortly see better days  (Full Quotes) I... allowed my memory to journey back to the days when I was a boy of ten, full of health and optimism, when my wonder at the great game of living had yet to give way to disillusionment at its shabbiness  (Full Quotes) Both the physicist and the mystic want to communicate their knowledge, and when they do so with words their statements are paradoxical and full of logical contradictions  (Full Quotes) You don’t really care about the trials of tomorrow, rather lay awake in a bed full of sorrow  (Full Quotes) The creation itself is full of griefs. How can one understand joy if there is no sorrow? And how can everyone be happy at the same time?  (Full Quotes) My idea is that there is music in the air, music all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require  (Full Quotes) Our lips are full of praise, but our hearts are far removed from the prophets we all claim. That’s why the world is in the shape that it’s in  (Full Quotes) For me, the scariest thing about a serial killer is that there’s somebody who lives next door to you, running power tools late into the night, and you don’t know he has a refrigerator full of penises  (Full Quotes) The world is full of resonances. It constitutes a cosmos of things exerting a spiritual action. The dead matter is a living spirit  (Full Quotes) Few minds are sunlike, sources of light in themselves and to others: many more are moons that shine with a borrowed radiance. One may easily distinguish the two: the former are always full; the latter only now and then, when their suns are shining full upon them  (Full Quotes) You taught me to be nice, so nice that now I am so full of niceness, I have no sense of right and wrong, no outrage, no passion  (Full Quotes) Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible. He is a kind of confidence man, preying on people’s vanity, ignorance or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse  (Full Quotes) A pessimist looks at his glass and says it is half empty; an optimist looks at it and says it is half full  (Full Quotes) There is a mortal breed most full of futility. In contempt of what is at hand, they strain into the future, hunting impossibilities on the wings of ineffectual hopes  (Full Quotes) This is a hard and precarious world, where every mistake and infirmity must be paid for in full  (Full Quotes) It is innocence that is full and experience that is empty. It is innocence that wins and experience that loses  (Full Quotes) In politics, as in womanizing, failure is decisive. It sheds its retrospective gloom on earlier endeavor which at the time seemed full of promise  (Full Quotes) Bad teaching wastes a great deal of effort, and spoils many lives which might have been full of energy and happiness  (Full Quotes) Life is so full of miseries, minor and major; they press so close upon us at every step of the way, that it is hardly worthwhile to call one another’s attention to their presence  (Full Quotes) There are no little events in life, those we think of no consequence may be full of fate, and it is at our own risk if we neglect the acquaintances and opportunities that seem to be casually offered, and of small importance  (Full Quotes) We can never have too much preparation and training. We must be a strong competitor. We must adhere staunchly to the basic principle that anything less than full equality is not enough. If we compromise on that principle our soul is dead  (Full Quotes) If I had my hand full of truth, I would take good care how I opened it  (Full Quotes) Unlike femininity, relaxed masculinity is at bottom empty, a limp nullity. While the female body is full of internal potentiality, the male is internally barren. Manhood at the most basic level can be validated and expressed only in action  (Full Quotes)
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