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With full responsibility for my words as a professional biologist, I do not hesitate to say that all existing and genuine knowledge about the way in which the physical characteristics of human communities are related to their cultural capabilities can be written on the back of a postage stamp  (Full Quotes) One person cannot change the world. But you can become the world for someone. A warm, bright, and peaceful world. If everyone can be such a world to one person, one will become ten people, and then a hundred. The world will be full of happy people then  (Full Quotes) You have to be able to appreciate these things. How many people can say it was a full moon last night and appreciate it?  (Full Quotes) You can see that a city is prosperous by the wealth of goods for sale in the market. Land too we call prosperous if it bears rich fruit. And so also the soul may be counted prosperous if it is full of good works of every kind  (Full Quotes) I still get the feeling I got when I started, that’s why I’m still doing it after all these years, I still get that full adrenalin rush before I compete  (Full Quotes) I have a conviction that it’s only when you are put at full stretch that you can realise your full potential  (Full Quotes) The world is full of people who have never, since childhood, met an open doorway with an open mind  (Full Quotes) If you feel yourself to be a full member in the world, you probably won’t turn to writing, because other methods of communication, more direct methods, will strike you as being more available  (Full Quotes) You can make a thousand promises to yourself that you’ll take that same fantastic love and give it to someone else, but the moment you see that person with someone else, it’s like a gut full of razorblades. It never gets easier. And it shouldn’t, really  (Full Quotes) There was a contact between a football player and a cheerleader, male I might add. That male cheerleader clipped me from the side as I was running full speed, or slower than full speed, but generally, in the upper quadrant of speed. And I hit the ground pretty good  (Full Quotes) An abstract style is always bad. Your sentences should be full of stones, metals, chairs, tables, animals, men, and women  (Full Quotes) Since the recording process is instantaneous, and the nature of the image such that it cannot survive corrective handwork, it is obvious that the finished print must be created in full before the film is exposed  (Full Quotes) The fact is that relatively few photographers ever master their medium. Instead they allow the medium to master them and go on an endless squirrel cage chase from new lens to new paper to new developer to new gadget, never staying with one piece of equipment long enough to learn its full capacities, becoming lost in a maze of technical information that is of little or no use since they don’t know what to do with it  (Full Quotes) Leaving aside the mysteries and the inequities of human talent, brains, taste, and reputations, the matter of art in photography may come down to this: it is the capture and projection of the delights of seeing; it is the defining of observation full and felt  (Full Quotes) When you’re photographing anything to do with war and conflict you’re photographing something impossible. Everything you do is just clumsy and stupid and half witted. Because it is impossible to portray the full width and breadth of everything that you are up against  (Full Quotes) Nothing is so effective in keeping one young and full of lust as a discriminating palate thoroughly satisfied at least once a day  (Full Quotes) A full cup of wine at the right time is worth more than all the kingdoms of this earth!  (Full Quotes) These powerbrokers, which bomb innocent countries and slaughter people, and, you know, pump the food chain full of garbage and just everything else they do, it’s probably something fun for them. They really get off on being bad little boys  (Full Quotes) It may be safely averred that good cookery is the best and truest economy, turning to full account every wholesome article of food, and converting into palatable meals what the ignorant either render uneatable or throw away in disdain  (Full Quotes) Life is full of doors that don’t open when you knock, equally spaced amid those that open when you don’t want them to  (Full Quotes) My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species, returning throughout the world  (Full Quotes) Policy decisions on climate change are being deliberated every day by those without full knowledge of the science, and often with intentional misinformation spawned by special interests  (Full Quotes) Grace comes into the soul, as the morning sun into the world; first a dawning, then a light; and at last the sun in his full and excellent brightness  (Full Quotes) To live in an evolutionary spirit means to engage with full ambition and without any reserve in the structure of the present, and yet to let go and flow into a new structure when the right time has come  (Full Quotes) The adventurous life is not one exempt from fear, but on the contrary, one that is lived in full knowledge of fears of all kinds, one in which we go forward in spite of our fears  (Full Quotes) The secret of language is the secret of sympathy, and its full charm is possible only to the gentle  (Full Quotes) There are tiny choices that everyone can make that profoundly affect our collective water use. Like not having the tap on while brushing your teeth, not starting your shower ten minutes in advance, not doing laundry until you have a full load. In this particular issue, education really is power  (Full Quotes) Since after extinction no one will be present to take responsibility, we have to take full responsibility now  (Full Quotes) He who speaks from the lips chatters. He who speaks from an empty mind adds confusion to discord. He who speaks from a full mind feeds the minds of men. He who speaks from his heart wins the confidence of mankind. But he who speaks from his soul heals the heartbreaks of a world and feeds the hungry, starving souls of men. He can dry the tears of anguish and pain. He can bring light, for he will carry light  (Full Quotes) The happy individual is able to renew daily and with full consciousness all the basic expressions of human identity: work, love, communication, play, and rest  (Full Quotes)
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